Results (1320)
As a new renter, you (along with any roommates, if applicable) will need to be ready to keep your space clean. From the day you move in to the day you eventually move out and all the time in between, we have tips to keep your apartment looking its best!
Q: We had a real tree for Christmas but now I am finding tree sap everywhere! What is the best way to clean mittens, coats and my carpet?
A: Rubbing alcohol can remove sap from washable clothing, knit gloves, and rugs, because it acts as a solvent.
For clothes, even a down coat, saturate the area with alcohol, let sit for a minute, then launder in warm water with regular detergent. Heat sets stains, so be sure all the sap is gone before using the dryer. Repeat the process if any…
Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathroom Top the List of Spring Cleaning Targets
Product Effectiveness is Most Important Attribute for Spring Cleaners
Statistic Recap Here
Yearly spring cleaning is on the rise in 2022, according to new consumer data released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey, conducted by Ipsos, found that 78% of Americans spring clean at least once per year, up nearly 10% from just one year ago.
When living with young children and babies, creating a safe and functional home often requires careful consideration. This is especially important in high-risk areas of the home, such as the laundry room, medicine cabinet and sleeping spaces. To help you achieve this, we’ve collaborated with organization and child safety experts to share insights on creating a safe home, no matter the size. Whether you’re reorganizing, revamping or preparing to bring a new baby home, this comprehensive guide…
We are sharing cleaning tips and answering your cleaning questions, so connect with us and join the conversation!
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ACI Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety Initiative Available at
Initiative Showcases Environmental Data on Cleaning Product Ingredients
Website is Significant Transparency Initiative for the Cleaning Products Industry
Environmental data on 200+ chemicals in the U.S. consumer cleaning product supply chain are now available, in pilot phase, through the American Cleaning…
Survey Results
Q. Approximately how many hours per week, if any, do you typically spend cleaning?
10% Less than one hour
21% 1-2 hours
26% 3-4 hours
15% 5-6 hours
28% 7 hours or more
The average number of hours we clean is six, with parents spending 7 hours per week on average.
Q. Which of the following concerns, if any, do you have about cleaning?
38% Preventing illness or allergy symptoms…
Clean water is a critical element of cleaning.
The vast majority of water on Earth’s surface, over 96%, is saline water in the oceans (USGS). Which means, even though water is plentiful there are limited resources of fresh water to relay on. Beyond cleaning, we also need water to drink and to grow food. The average household may use 88,000 gallons of water per year (REU2016). Within your home, faucets and clothes washers…
American Cleaning Institute, Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly unveil home safety guide
Survey Finds Nearly a Third of Americans Have Seen Unsafe Storage on Social Media
In honor of Baby Safety Month in September, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly are teaming up to help parents create safe and child-friendly spaces in all areas of the home.
The ACI Packets Up! campaign emphasizes the importance of proper laundry…