The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1213)

We have a collective responsibility to support multi-stakeholder initiatives that contribute to sustainable business success and a better future for everyone. Goal: Contribute positively to our shared future through supporting the UN SDGs. What Are the SDGs Created in 2015, the UN SDGs bring together government sectors…
American Cleaning Institute Launches the Packets Up! Challenge Calls on Parents, Caregivers to Keep Laundry Products in Their Original Container Urges Pinterest, Other Social Platform Users Not to Promote Unsafe Storage Trends New research from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds nearly 13% of Americans are not storing liquid laundry packets in their original child resistant containers. A simple search on popular social media platforms, like…
This tool is an online database that serves as a resource for information related to the safety of ingredients used in household cleaning products. Search About FAQ Resources   #page-wrap { width: 730px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #all > ul { list-style: none; float: left; width: 174px; height: 88px…
OECD SIDS LONG CHAIN ALCOHOLS 1 SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 22 Paris, France, 18 – 21 April 2006 TOME 2: SIDS Dossiers Category Name Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) 1. and 2. Chemical CAS no. Chemical name Names and CAS numbers 111-27-3 1-Hexanol 111-87-5 1-Octanol 112-30-1 1-Decanol 112-42-5 1-Undecanol 112-70-9 1-Tridecanol 112-72-1 1-Tetradecanol 629-76-5 1-Pentadecanol 36653-82-4 1-Hexadecanol 143-28-2 9-Octadecen-1-ol…
Chemistry in Question is a By-Product of Manufacturing Processes, Not Intentionally Added to Detergents, Cleaning Products The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) used “outdated, very limited data” to rapidly conclude that there are ‘unreasonable risks’ from 1,4-dioxane as a byproduct, according to comments submitted by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). 1,4-Dioxane is a byproduct of manufacturing processes for some surfactants (the workhorse…
TRAC '~.' ; .. - ~4 \...~ -"-",,,..­ ACUTE TOXICITY OF ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE TO HYALELLA. AZTECA IN SEDIMENT: EFFECf OF MANIPUlATION OF SEDIMENT ORGA..'lIC CONTENT WITH HUMIC ACID Toxicity Test Report Submitted to: Dr. Richard Sedlack The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Ave. South New York, ~ry 10016 Report Number B-393 TRAC Laboratories, Inc. October 1, 1993 113 Cedar St. P.O. Bos 215 Denton, TX 76201 TRAG LABORATORIES, ING. 2787 GULF BREEZE…
PR.ACTICAL TOOLS FOR ESTI'ARINE NU]3.IENT CONTROL ltu-Seng lung Department of Civil Engineeríng UniversiÈy of VLrginia I Charlot tesv1lle, Virgfnia Introductlon Nutrient control has become a commonl_y used measure to reverseeutrophicatlon for many eBtuarles in the united states. ÌÍhlle nutrl.-ent control w111 reduce nutrlent loads to an estuarlne systerû, lt isnot clear to what extent that load reductfons will tmpaåt th; e¡aterqualfty of the estuary. For example, a…
  Make your own mini-book: The Art of Sciences & Bubbles is now available in a downloadable PDF format.       Combine water and detergent. Stir well, but do not shake. For stronger bubbles, add ½ cup corn syrup or glycerin, or more detergent. Experiment with different brands of dishwashing detergent until you find one that works best for you. HINT: Playing with bubbles can be messy and slippery! Try blowing bubbles outdoors, near…
Whether you’re having a small dinner party or an all-out bash, there’s probably going to be some straightening up and cleaning before guests arrive and definitely some clean up to do afterward. Pre Party Cleaning Give your home a thorough cleaning, following our room-by-room cleaning guide. Be sure to keep some paper towels or cloths handy for cleaning up the inevitable spills as they occur. Get out enough…
© Copyright 2010 ERASM (the joint surfactant environmental research platform of AISE and CESIO) and SDA What contribution do detergent alcohols make to sewage discharges and the marine environment? Stephen M Mudge Alcohol sourcing project, Phase II February, 2010 Sponsored by ERASM / APAG / SDA Alcohol sourcing project, phase II P a g e | 2 © Copyright 2010 ERASM (the joint surfactant environmental research platform of AISE and CESIO) and SDA…