Results (1292)
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is highlighting updated information on proper reusable bag use and cleaning as more Americans bring their own bags to the store. This comes at a time when eight states have banned disposable bags and some local jurisdictions are charging a fee for their use, encouraging the use of reusable bags.
A study from the University of Arizona found that of individuals interviewed who used reusable bags, only 3% of them cleaned…
Good Picnic Site Stewardship
Tips for keeping it clean and pristine
A picnic in the park is a true summer pleasure...provided you're not trying to locate a site that's free of someone else's trash. Good stewardship of our parks is everyone's responsibility, even more so now that budget cuts across the nation are affecting park maintenance.
Good picnic protocol means leaving the site in pristine condition. All that's required is a little preplanning.…
Members-Only ACI Virtual Summit to be held Week of January 25, 2021
The American Cleaning Institute is pleased to announce its first-ever Virtual Summit, to be held January 25-29, 2021.
The members-only event is free to ACI member company representatives, who can register on the association’s website at
“The ACI Virtual Summit will bring together the global cleaning product supply chain and provide a platform for business, sales, R…
Principles and Practice
Second Edition
Phosphorus and l\itrogen Removal
Municipal Wastewater
Princþles und Practíce, Second Edítion
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Phosphorus and nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater: principles and
practice/Richard l. Sedlak, editor.-2nd ed.p. cm.
lncludes bibliographical references.…
Principles and Practice
Second Edition
Phosphorus and l\itrogen Removal
Municipal Wastewater
Princþles und Practíce, Second Edítion
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Phosphorus and nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater: principles and
practice/Richard l. Sedlak, editor.-2nd ed.p. cm.
lncludes bibliographical references.…
This monograph summarizes: 1) critical fate and effects data required for an
environmental risk assessment on boron; and 2) conclusions drawn from a
risk assessment of boron in the United States. The monograph addresses the
environmental exposures to boron resulting from consumer use and disposal
of the ingredient as a result of its presence in cleaning products. The monograph
is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily one familiar with
environmental risk…
What’s Moving the Needle in the Cleaning Product Supply Chain? Find Out at ACI’s Convention
ACI Convention Set for Jan. 30-Feb. 4, Orlando, FL
Are you interested in innovations that will move the needle in the cleaning product supply chain? Join us during the Innovation Showcase at the 2023 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Annual Meeting & Industry Convention.
The expanded Showcase will take place February 1 and 2 during ACI’s…
Spanish Language Resources Arms Child Care Center Employees, Caregivers and Children with Targeted Hygiene Best Practices
Download the Toolkit
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched a Spanish version of its C is for Clean: Building Blocks of Healthy Child Care Toolkit providing evergreen, easy-to-understand recommendations on disinfecting, cleaning and hygiene protocols to help keep child care…
Experts agree that frequent handwashing is one of the first lines of defense against many illnesses. But no matter how many times you wash your hands, there are always some sneaky little germs lurking around to hitch a ride on your skin. They loiter on shopping cart handles, linger on light switches, lurk about the phone and even hang around on the remote controls. That's why disinfectants and disinfecting cleaners can be a helpful option…
Get tips on safe storage and use of liquid laundry packets in this video from Daytime TV for National Safety Month.