The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1110)

r(' ( PHOSPHORUS LOADS DISCHARGED FROI{ THE POTWS IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY DR,IINAGE BASIN Prepared for THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIAÎION New York, Ny t'larch, 1984. By I,Iu-Seng Lung, phD, pE Consulcing Environrrlenra I EngineerChartrottesville, V¿t 22901, t -ì ,( TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Purpose 2. Sources of Data 3. Development of Default Effluent Phosphorus ConcentratÍons 4. Phosphorus Loads from POTÍ.ls ln Chesapeake Bay Region 5. References Appendix A. Sumnary of…
Since 1926, ACI has cooperated with schools, health agencies, industry and other organizations to get the job done. Over the years, our work has been possible because of our ability to build and sustain partnerships. Today, relationship building continues to be the backbone of ACI. We have relationships with many organizations in other countries, including ABIPLA, ACCORD Australasia, AISE, JSDA, CCSPA, CANIPEC, CCIA, TSDA, CASIC,…
I I SURFACTANT EFFECTS ON HUMANS AND OTHER MAMMALS THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REPORT NO.4 NOVEMBER, 1966 SURFACTANT EFFECTS ON HUMANS AND OTHER MAMMALS BY R. D. SWISHER, Ph.D. R . D. Swisher is a Senior Group Leader in the Research Department of the Inorganic Chemicals Division of Monsanto Company, where he is a practicing organic chemist. H1s major research interests have been in the fields of…
The Soap and Detergent Association Risk Assessment Guidance for Enzyme-Containing Products Table of Contents Preface 2 Executive Summary 3 Chapter 1 — Introduction to Enzymes 4 Chapter 2 — Introduction to Risk Assessment 6 Chapter 3 — Hazard Identification 8 Chapter 4 — Dose-Response Assessment 11 Chapter 5 — Exposure Assessment 17 Chapter 6 — Risk Characterization 23 Chapter 7 — Risk Management 28 Chapter 8 — Conclusions 30 Bibliography 31 Glossary 38…
TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ..................................... I. Acknowledgements 1 11. Introduction......................................... 2 111. Chapter 1. Influence of Inorganic and Organic Nutrient Enrichment on Blue-Green Algal Activity and Relative Biomass in a Eutrophic Southwest Montana Reservoir ................................................... 5 IV. Chapter 2. Immunochemical Localization of Nitrogenase in Marine T- Aggregates: Relationship to N2…
The U.S. cleaning product industry’s second biennial sustainability report showcases continual adoption of sustainability practices within the cleaning products supply chain. The report details environmental metrics collected from 24 ACI member companies in four key areas: energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water use and solid waste generation, all of which show overall decreases in impact. It also highlights how the ACI and its members have played roles in…
Q: I am worried about germs on my kitchen counters. Is it true that more bleach kills more germs? A: The only advantage to using more bleach than prescribed is if the surface is soiled. To create a sanitizing solution, it is recommended that you use one tablespoon of EPA-registered unscented liquid bleach per gallon of water. Spread the solution liberally over the countertop. Let stand for at least two minutes and then allow to air-dry. We recommend making up fresh sanitizing…
VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL March 18, 2020 The Honorable William P. Barr The Honorable Joseph J. Simons Attorney General of the United States Chairman U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Federal Trade Commission 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 400 7th St., SW Washington, DC 20024 Washington, DC 20530 On behalf of the American Cleaning Institute, I am writing to urge both of your agencies to continue to take action to enforce and police those who seek…
We are sharing cleaning tips and answering your cleaning questions, so connect with us and join the conversation! Facebook - Like the ACI Facebook page to stay informed about our activities, learn about future materials or just to learn more about us. LinkedIn - Follow ACI on LinkedIn and stay up-to-date on company news, career opportunities or industry trends. Twitter - Tweets about ACI…
ACI member social media challenge contributes to nonprofit bringing clean water into underserved communities To celebrate the launch of the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) 2022 Sustainability Report, ACI led a social media challenge, ‘Our Future is Clean,’ throughout the month of October. To participate, member companies and their staff posted on Twitter with the hashtag #OurFutureIsClean, sharing images or videos of the…