Results (1238)
You’ve invested in the clothing that will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. But are you taking care of those rash guard shirts as well as you are caring for your skin? If you don’t launder them properly, they can lose their effectiveness. So read up!
Rinse it out with fresh water immediately after wearing
Never use hot water, only cool or lukewarm
Turn the garment inside out and hand wash, using a biodegradable soap
Hang dry away from direct sun or heat
Don’t fold or ball up…
Free, Virtual Event Takes Place October 14, 2020
As the pandemic has demonstrated that cleaning and hygiene products are more essential than ever, two expert voices are joining together to host their first-ever joint summit, Discover Cleaning – Inside & Out on October 14, 2020.
The American Cleaning Institute and Good Housekeeping are the forces behind the virtual event, bringing together cleaning experts,…
Writing letters, arts and crafts, homework, making a grocery list … it doesn’t really matter how it got there. But if you take a close look around, you’re bound to find pen, marker, pencil or crayon markings on walls, desks, tables and furniture. Here’s how to remove those stains on a variety of surfaces.
Painted Walls and Painted Wood Furniture
Test the washability of the surface by first washing an inconspicuous area. Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose…
Q. Thinking about your college kid(s), how prepared do you feel they are to clean their own space?
- 26% said completely prepared
- 38% said very prepared
- 29% said somewhat prepared
- 5% said not very prepared
- 2% said not at all prepared
Q. Which of the following, if any, do you think prevents your college kid(s) from keeping their space clean?
- 56% said lack of motivation
- 46% said lack of time
- 24% said roommate(s) get in the way of…
ACI and Good Housekeeping will be partnering again for Discover Cleaning 2022: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. It will be a virtual event held on October 26 at 1 PM EDT.
This year’s summit will take a whole-home approach and examine consumer issues, industry innovations and home design and other trends related to kitchen and bathroom cleaning, laundry challenges and maintaining good indoor air quality. Key discussion topics will…
Consumers Maintain Higher Use of Hand Sanitizers, Disinfectants One Year Later
Survey Provides Insights on Potential Shifts in Cleaning Behaviors for the Future
Key Survey Data Available Here
A year after the start of the coronavirus pandemic, cleaning practices are still front-and-center for a strong majority of Americans, according to survey data released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI).
A national online consumer survey…
Tell your story better with economic data
This is an ACI Members Only event.
ACI's latest economic impact report, "An Economic Analysis of the U.S. Cleaning Products Industry," provides a detailed snapshot of the essential nature of the cleaning product supply chain in the year before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
And for the first time, the report demonstrates the economic footprint of the cleaning…
Project Report for Research Supported by the Soap and Detergent Association
Submitted June 1992
Walter K. Do&
Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66502
Table of Contents
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction and Summary
With the arrival of Tropical Storm Barry, it's important to know what to do in case of flood damage and how to clean your home and belongings safely and effectively.
On October 14, Good Housekeeping hosted our first-ever cleaning summit, in partnership with the American Cleaning Institute, to address those questions and a host of other concerns. In addition to exploring how COVID-19 has changed the way we clean our homes, experts gave detailed advice on the proper and most effective ways to clean and addressed what the industry is doing…