The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1215)

What is Monkeypox? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), monkeypox is a viral disease in the same family of viruses as the one that causes smallpox, although milder. It can be spread through close contact with a person with monkeypox or touching objects, fabrics, and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox. There is currently an outbreak that has reached several countries and most U.S. states, which is being closely monitored by public…
Kitchen Knives A rule of thumb in safe food preparation is to be sure you don’t cut raw meat, poultry or fish on the same surface without thoroughly cleaning it between uses. The same is true for your knife. Wash your knife with dish soap and hot water after each use. Rinse with clear water. Air-dry or pat dry with clean paper towels. Typically you should wash hollow-handled knives by hand Handle kitchen knives carefully by their handles;…
One-third of us don’t believe we are cleaning everything in our homes often enough. Here's what you should be cleaning.
Summit to be held this week on Wednesday October 26, 2022 Free, Virtual Event Will Explore Ways to Keep a Clean, Healthy & Happy Home To Register and Tune In, visit: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping Institute have joined forces for the third year in a row to host the Discover Cleaning Summit. This year’s event, Discover Cleaning: The…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) offers room by room cleaning suggestions for the many surfaces in your home.
Survey Results Q. Approximately how many hours per week, if any, do you typically spend cleaning? 10% Less than one hour 21% 1-2 hours 26% 3-4 hours 15% 5-6 hours 28% 7 hours or more The average number of hours we clean is six, with parents spending 7 hours per week on average.  Q. Which of the following concerns, if any, do you have about cleaning?  38% Preventing illness or allergy symptoms 34% Whether I’m…
Packets Up & Store, Not Décor AMERICAN CLEANING INSTITUTE Store, Not Décor As people sought home dѐcor and organization inspiration, an alarming trend emerged that prioritizes style over safety. Over the last year and a half, we have seen just how common this trend of storing liquid laundry packets in clear containers and glorifying unsafe storage practices in the laundry room has become. PACKETS UP®, an initiative aimed to educate on proper storage…
New Research Shows Nearly 800,000 Posts Promoting Laundry Packets Storage Outside Original Containers Over Four-Year Period Practice Puts Americans at Risk for Unintentional Poisonings, says American Cleaning Institute More than half of parents are not making safe decisions when storing cleaning products Read more about creating an organized, functional and safe laundry room Learn more about the research and survey Unsafe storage of liquid laundry…
CONTAMI NANT TRANSPORT I NVESTIGATION FROM AN ONSITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM (OWTS) rN F|NE SAND Phase 3 Report Prepared for: THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION 475 ParkAvenue South New York, New York 10016 Prepared by: AYRES ASSOCIATES 3901 Coconut Palm Drive, Suite 100 Tampa, Florida 33619 May 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paoe 1.0 |NTRoDUCT!ON........ ...1-1 1.1 8ack9round............... .......... 1-1 1.2 Objectives of Phase 111.............. ...........1-4 1.3 Scope of…
Summer is a time when everyone wants to kick back and relax. Here are some tips to help you keep suits and summer stuff clean and lasting longer despite sun, sand or chlorine.