Results (1219)
Surfactant Analysis for SDA Sediment
Taskforce Study
Surfactant Analysis for SDA Sediment Taskforce
Martin A Selby
This document is made available subject to the condition that the recipient will neither use nor disclose the contents except as agreed in
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Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced or…
Surfactant Analysis for SDA Sediment
Taskforce Study
Shell Global Solutions is a trading style used by a network of technology companies of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group.
Surfactant Analysis for SDA Sediment
Martin A Selby
©2006 The Soap and Detergent Association. ®All Rights Reserved
This document is made available subject to the condition that the recipient will neither use nor…
For spring cleaning, plan your work, then work your plan. You can tackle your spring cleaning checklist quickly, all at once or in smaller chunks of time. Each of the tasks on our list takes just a few minutes, so you can decide how to break it up.
Prep for Spring Cleaning Day(s):
Inventory your supplies and add what’s missing to your grocery list
Make a to-do list for what you want to clean, then divide it up by task or room
Washers and Detergents
Working in Harmony to
Save Energy and Water
Enhancing the health and quality of life
through cleaning products and practices
A Consumer Guide To
About This Guide:
Compared to traditional washers, HE washers work in a completely
different way. As a result, the detergents used in HE washers need to
work differently, too.
That’s why…
Report from the Asthma Science Forum May 10, 2011
Industry Sponsored
Asthma Science Forum
Report of Workshop held May 10, 2011
Renaissance Capital View, Arlington, Virginia
Submitted to:
Asthma Scienc ng Committee
e Forum Steeri
Submitted by:
Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment
(Contact: Jacqueline Patterson,
January 17, 2012
Copyright © 2012 American …
Features CDC Expert
Designed to Assist School Administrators, Teachers and School Staff
Schools play a central role in slowing the spread of diseases in communities by providing healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments for students. To support their efforts, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar covering best practices and key prevention strategies to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy.
The free webinar, “The Continued Role…
Range Finding Study:
Analysis of lnterstitial Water and Sediment
for Surfactants by
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Mr. Alvaro J. DeGarvalho
The Soap and Detergent Association
1500 K Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005
MRI Project No. 31 0287
October 4,2002
solutions through science and technology
MRt @ MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE425 Volker BoulevardKansas City, Missouri 641 10
Telephone (816) 7Sg-7600
Telefax (816) 753-8420
October 4…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is the Home of the U.S. Cleaning Products Industry® and represents the $60 billion U.S. cleaning product supply chain. ACI members include the manufacturers and formulators of soaps, detergents, and general cleaning products used in household, commercial, industrial and institutional settings; companies that supply ingredients and finished packaging for these products; and…
This monograph summarizes: 1) critical fate and effects data required for an
environmental risk assessment on polycarboxylates; and 2) conclusions
drawn from a risk assessment of polycarboxylates in the United States.
Although focused on conditions in the U.S., data from other parts of the world
that are relevant to a U.S. assessment are included in the monograph. The
monograph is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily one
familiar with environmental risk…
The American Cleaning Institute – the trade association for the cleaning products industry – released the following statement in response to irresponsible headlines and stories - attempting to summarize a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience - that distort the safety and beneficial use of quaternary ammonium compounds:
The use of cleaning products, disinfectants and their chemistries contribute to public health in homes, schools…