The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (721)

THE FUNCTION OF ENZYMES IN CLEANING | ENZYMES ENABLE SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL SAVINGS | SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS FOR ENZYMESTHE ROLE OF ENZYMES IN DETERGENT PRODUCTS The role of enzymes in detergent products The industry’s commitment to safe and sustainable use What is an enzyme? An enzyme is a catalyst which can speed up biological processes. Enzymes exist in all of nature – in microorganisms, plants, animals, as well as human bodies. Enzymes were introduced as ingredients in cleaning…
The key to a clean house is finding a system that works for you and your schedule. What worked before you had kids may need some modifications. And empty nesters may have a busier schedule than before the days of carpools and kids sports. Cluttered Kitchen? Just Say No It’s tempting to let the dishes "soak" while you relax after dinner, but you have to do them anyway so why wait. Put the dishes in the…
PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS BETWEEN JAMES RIVER AND CHESAPEAKE BAY Chiu-Shia Fen December 1988 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE D E P A R T M E N T O F CIVIL E N G I N E E R I N G UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CHARLOTTESVILCE, VIRGINIA 22901 PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS BETWEEN JAMES RIVER AND CHESAPEAKE BAY A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science University of Virginia In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree Master…
ACI’s 2017 Mid-Year Meeting drew more than 100 attendees from 40 companies. The meeting was held at ACI’s Washington, DC offices. The 2017 Mid-Year Meeting opened with a speaker session that provided an overview of the impact of carbon emissions and climate change and how companies can and are addressing it. The session featured Sarah Law, of CDP who provided attendees insights on industry trends and examples of corporate approaches to climate change. Chris Sayer of…
It may be the holiday season, but it’s also cold and flu season. Keep illnesses from spreading through holidays into the New Year with these tips, for a cleaner and healthier for you and everyone around you. Get a Flu Shot. While flu season starts to peak in November, the heaviest months for flu are December through March. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for the antibodies that provide protection against influenza infection to develop in the body. The Centers for Disease Control…
The ingredients in your cleaning products fall into several different categories, added to provide different characteristics and cleaning functions. Each product formula is a careful balance of various ingredients that will work best for what you are trying to clean. For more information about the specific ingredients in a cleaning product, visit the manufacturer's website or look for the product in SmartLabel…
Q: I suspect that our new backyard has some poison ivy. If I wear gloves, long sleeves and long pants to protect me, how do I clean these clothes when I'm finished gardening so I don't spread the poison ivy?  A: You are right to be concerned. Poison ivy produces a resin called urushiol. This resin is the culprit that triggers allergic rash reactions in most people. When it remains on unwashed clothing, it is still active. Avoid touching your clothes with…
Ideally, there shouldn’t be a right way or a wrong way to clean – as long as someone is actually cleaning! But, many a fight has been had over the proper way to load a dishwasher. So here are some handy tips to keep the dishes clean, and families intact. For dishwashers made in the past 10 years, simply scrape off food. You do not need to rinse. This wastes water. Many dishwashers have a "quick rinse" setting that will take the place of rinsing in the sink (and,…
Here at ACI, we have challenged our members to align their corporate climate strategy and targets with the 1.5°C ambition, which strives to reach net-zero global emissions by 2050. Across the cleaning products industry, companies are taking bold action to limit the global average temperature rise to less than 1.5°C. Ecolab, a recognized global leader in water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions, is helping combat climate change in its own operations and in its customers’ operations…
I Ilt I I PB-301 r93 1Ti :;il ii{ HUIVIAN SAFETY Al\lD ENVI RONIVIINTAL ASPEETS OF IIAJOR SURFACTANTS A Reponr To THe SOAP Al,lD DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ['lsv 31, 1977 ,l ''lÌ il ,.', , ,":,*ü--i,ffi,1p¡ê! Anhur D Litttet\,o., Thls report 1s rendered upon the condition that it 1s not to be reproduced ln whoLe or Ln part for adverËlsing purposes wlthout the speclal perrisslon in wrlting of Arthur D. LittLe, Inc. This report was prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc., for the Soap and…