The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1213)

#UnderstandingClean #NationalCleaningWeek 2023 NATIONAL CLEANING WEEK TOOLKIT The fourth Sunday in March kicks off National Cleaning Week, celebrating the beginning of the spring cleaning season. This is a great time to raise awareness about using cleaning products in our homes and communities safely and effectively. The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has declared the theme for this year “Understanding…
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in your home after flooding is a major undertaking. It is important that it be done right to prevent further damage to the property and help prevent illness. Choosing and using the right cleaning product for the job is critical. Keeping cleaning products in a secure location after a flood and during cleaning is crucial. From torrential downpours to broken pipes to leaky…
The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI) is the Home of the U.S. Cleaning Products Industry®. ACI serves the growth and innovation of the U.S. cleaning products industry by advancing the health and quality of life of people and protecting our planet. ACI achieves this through a continuous commitment to sound science and being a credible voice for the $57.4 billion cleaning products industry. Read our history,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Brian Sansoni, SDA – 202-680-9327 Scott Openshaw, GMA – 202-295-3957 Gretchen Schaefer, CSPA – 202-872-8100 Washington, DC (October 6, 2009) – Before a historic conference on modernizing the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, the Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA), Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) and The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) today offered eight building blocks to help guide the development of an updated law for… COVID-19 Prevention Promoting Hand Hygiene and Cleaning and Disinfection in Schools Jennifer R. Cope, MD MPH Medical Epidemiologist CDC COVID-19 Response, WASH Team Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ACI Webinar, 8/5/2020 Overview of Presentation  Promoting Behaviors to Reduce COVID-19 Spread  Promoting Hand Hygiene in Schools  Cleaning and Disinfection in Schools  Preparing for When Someone Gets Sick  CDC Resources…
March 20, 2017 Jeffery Morris, Ph.D., Director Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460-0001 (via Re: Procedures for Chemical Risk Evaluation Under the Amended Toxic Substances Control Act (Docket No. EPA-HQ-OPPT-2016-0654) Dear Dr. Morris: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)(1) is pleased to provide the following comments concerning the…
Get advice on laundry topics from sorting to stains and detergent use.
. THE IMPACT OF BANNING PHOSPHATI.COI{TAINING DETERÊENTs 0N THE l,lATEB QUALITY 0F rNLA}iD I,¡ISC0NSIN LAKES Frepared for The Soap and Detergent Association Nicho'las L. CJesceri, Ph,t. Bolton Landing, fi.Y, 128i4 February 1983 by TABLE OF CONTINTS Executìve Summary List of Fígures List of Tables . I. TNTRODUCTION-..-.. I I. BACKGR0UND-------- _-____-3 A. Lake Phylogeny and Cu'ltural Eutrophication--- -------_-__3 B. Nutrient Sources------- ------. __--___-5 C. Liml'ti ng…
May 3, 2020 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Speaker United States House of Representatives H-232, The Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Minority Leader United States House of Representatives H-204, The Capitol Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Mitch McConnell Majority Leader United States Senate S-230, The Capitol Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Charles Schumer Minority Leader United States Senate S-221, The Capitol Washington, D.C.…