The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1215)

ACI-Commissioned Poll Results Reinforce Importance of Using Disinfecting Sprays, Wipes As Directed to Ensure Virus Kill 8 in 10 Americans Are Confident in Ability of Cleaning Products to Protect Against Coronavirus A new poll conducted for the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds that four in ten Americans are not properly allowing disinfectant sprays and wipes to kill the viruses and germs that can make us sick. The survey, conducted by Ipsos for ACI (…
As we head into the time of year for spring cleaning, it’s a good time to check your cleaning supplies. For effective cleaning, make sure products are within their use by date and you restock anything running low. 
A clean workplace helps contribute to employee health and well-being. Clean Workspace A clean workspace can keep you from organized and efficient as well as keeping you from getting sick. Learn More Clean Hands at Work Work is a place where…
• Wash your hands with soap andwarmwater, scrubbing for 20 seconds. • When you are on the go and soap andwater are not available,use wipes or hand sanitizers available in gel or foam. Keep Germs Away During the Holiday Season! Clean Hands Save Lives When preparing food After touching animals After using the restroom Before meals and snacks When hands are dirty When you or someone around you is ill We want families to enjoy the holiday season, so it’s a good time to…
When the busy holiday season is on the horizon, get a head start by prepping your bakeware and serving items in advance. Follow these quick tips: Spiff Up Your "Old Standbys." Throughout the year, cooking certain types of food – like recipes with cheese, gravies, eggs or pie fillings – can leave baked-on residue or food stains on your favorite cooking/baking dishes. In addition to having "recipe residue,…
April is Financial Awareness Month and there are small things you can do every day to save money on cleaning. 
How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health?  Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow. In addition,…
Cleaning can lead to a lot of questions and we’re here to help. Here are answers to some of the questions we’ve gotten. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Check out our stain guide, surface cleaning guide and other home cleaning resources. In addition, get the latest tips and advice from our Cleaning Is Caring blog! If you have an idea for a question you think we should add to this …
Clean Hands Are All About Good Health Why Are Clean Hands Important? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others is to wash our hands. How Should I Wash My Hands? 1 Wet your hands and apply liquid, bar or powder soap. 2 Rub your hands together vigorously, and scrub all surfaces. 3 Continue for 20 seconds. 4 Rinse well under running water.…
Q: We have a wood cutting board that we use for everything. What's the best way to clean it? Would it be better to get a plastic one?  A: Wash your cutting board with dish soap and hot water after each use. Rinse with clear water. Air-dry or pat dry with clean paper towels. Note that some nonporous cutting boards, including acrylic, plastic or glass, can also be washed in the dishwasher. If the cutting board was used for uncooked meat, fish or poultry, sanitize…