The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1251)

Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?  76% Every year (among Millennials 73%) 8% Every other year (among Millennials 10%) 7% Every few years (among Millennials 9%) 3% Less often than every few years (among Millennials 5%) 6% I never spring clean (among Millennials 4%) 91 percent of Americans and 96 percent of Millennials engage in spring cleaning, with 76 percent of the population participating each…
Free, Online Resource Arms Child Care Center Employees, Caregivers and Children with Targeted Hygiene Best Practices Download the Toolkit: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its C is for Clean: Building Blocks of Healthy Child Care Toolkit providing evergreen, easy-to-understand recommendations on disinfecting, cleaning and hygiene protocols to help keep child care centers safe and healthy. Coming off the…
American Cleaning Institute, Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly unveil home safety guide Survey Finds Nearly a Third of Americans Have Seen Unsafe Storage on Social Media In honor of Baby Safety Month in September, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), Safe Kids Worldwide and Horderly are teaming up to help parents create safe and child-friendly spaces in all areas of the home. The ACI Packets Up! campaign emphasizes the importance of proper laundry…
One of the many ingredients in cleaning products are solvents. They help give cleaning products the right thickness and help other ingredients stay mixed.
Q: We have a wood cutting board that we use for everything. What's the best way to clean it? Would it be better to get a plastic one?  A: Wash your cutting board with dish soap and hot water after each use. Rinse with clear water. Air-dry or pat dry with clean paper towels. Note that some nonporous cutting boards, including acrylic, plastic or glass, can also be washed in the dishwasher. If the cutting board was used for uncooked meat, fish or poultry, sanitize it after
American Cleaning Institute Also Launches Concise Online Portal for Ingredient Information by Brand and Company Helps Consumers Better Understand Their Cleaning Product Labels Part of ACI’s Ingredient Communication Initiative The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) unveiled two new online resources aimed at enhancing consumer understanding and access to information about cleaning product ingredients. “How to Read a
The warm summer months are here and with it come the small shifts we make with the change of seasons. Jackets may get packed away and lighter clothes get pulled out. If you’re ready to transition to summer, here are some tips to get you ready: Store Seasonal Clothing Summer in many parts of the country mean fewer layers. It’s time to put heavier clothes into storage and make room for some summer finery. But don't just put them out of sight and out of…
However long it takes you, ACI has a few suggestions for addressing the ABCs of spring cleaning. A is for Asthma and Allergy Triggers During this challenging winter, many of us were snowed in with our pets whose dander is one of the most common triggers. Compound that with a few months of everyday dust and the tiniest unwelcome guests who seek shelter in our homes during cold weather, and it’s time to do away with the "A." Have an allergen control plan. Clean one…
Guidance helps manufacturers of professional cleaning products containing enzymes in their risk assessment and management processes The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), A.I.S.E. (International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products), AMFEP (Association of Manufacturers & Formulators of Enzyme Products) and HCPA (Household & Commercial Products Association) published a new industry guidance intended to provide…