The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1201)

Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Clean Your Paws for Santa Claus! Keep Germs Away During the Holiday Season! Download our holiday coloring sheet and share with your children as you talk to them about good hand hygiene. With so many other good things to do during the holiday season, who wants to spend precious time being sick? The American Cleaning Institute®, shares some of her favorite tips for staying healthy during the…
While cleaning your home you may often tackle the floors, countertops and other “large” areas. Most likely, some of the small spaces go a bit longer in between cleanings. Check out our blog for some small things you don't want to miss.
A llultlple Loke llethod to Anolgze For Temporol Uorlotlons bg Robert Cl lFFord, Jtr . 1, John t¡J. trJl lklnson _, Nicholos L. Clescerl _ ond Rlchord I. Sedlok, Jr. 3 The Soop ond Detergent Associotion lnltioted o loke monitoringsurvEtg From 1978 through 1983 to oscertoin the efFectlveness oFon interlm detergent phosphorus bon in the stote oF l¡Jisconsin. âpoired-roke opprooch tr.ros emploged in thls studg. Lokes expectedto be impocted bg uosteuoter eFFluent nutrient loodings…
Issues, Perceptions, Regulations, and Legislation Associated with Cleaning Product Ingredients in Graywater Final Report April 1996 05821-006-001 ISSUES, PERCEPTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND LEGISLATION ASSOCIATED WITH CLEANING PRODUCT INGREDIENTS IN GRAYWATER FINAL REPORT Prepared for: The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York…
Rising to an Unprecedented Challenge The cleaning products industry’s response to COVID-19 January–August 2020 2 Cleaning Products Industry Impact Report: COVID-19 An Essential Response to Urgent Needs The COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world has, in just a few months, changed enormously the way we live, work and play. It has required a response from governments, healthcare bodies, businesses and all of us that is, quite simply, without precedent. Everyone has had to…
Q: I've given up buying coffee in the morning in favor of bringing my own in a travel mug. However, the cup sits in my car all day and doesn't get washed until late at night. The inside is a little grungy. How do I get it really clean?  A: There are several ways to remove coffee stains. You may have to experiment to see which one works best on your particular travel mug. Since soaking is easier than scrubbing, try one of these methods first: using chlorine…
ACI Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety Initiative Available at Initiative Showcases Environmental Data on Cleaning Product Ingredients Website is Significant Transparency Initiative for the Cleaning Products Industry Environmental data on 200+ chemicals in the U.S. consumer cleaning product supply chain are now available, in pilot phase, through the American Cleaning Institute’s Cleaning Product Ingredient Safety Initiative database. "The environmental…
James Kim Named VP, Science & Regulatory Affairs Kathleen Stanton Named Associate VP, Technical & International Affairs Edgar Chavez Named Controller The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) announced promotions for three of its team members, including two leaders in its scientific and regulatory department. Dr. James Kim, previously Associate Vice President, Science & Regulatory Affairs, is now the Vice President, Science & Regulatory Affairs. Late last year…
Experts agree that frequent handwashing is one of the first lines of defense against many illnesses. But no matter how many times you wash your hands, there are always some sneaky little germs lurking around to hitch a ride on your skin. They loiter on shopping cart handles, linger on light switches, lurk about the phone and even hang around on the remote controls. That's why disinfectants and disinfecting cleaners can be a helpful option…
THE FUTURE IS CLEAN 2019 Sustainability Report WHAT’S INSIDE 03 Introduction 03 How We Lead 04 What We’ve Been Doing 05 Our Sustainability Goals 06 Upholding Well-being 07 A Cleaner, Healthier World 08 Sharing Knowledge 10 Confronting Climate Change 11 The Science is Clear 12 Steps Toward Meaningful Reduction 15 Thinking Circular 16 Using Less Today for a Livable Tomorrow 17 Valuing Our Planet 22 Supporting the SDGs 23 Supporting Global Frameworks for…