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The NPD Group
Custom Research Services
Graywater Awareness &
Usage Study
Prepared For:
Table of Contents
Page Number
? Background and Objectives 2
? Methodology 3
? Reporting Notes 4
? Summary of Key Findings 7
? Who Reuses Graywater? 10
? What is the Graywater Cycle? 18
? Why is Graywater Reused? 37
? When is Graywater Reused? 43
? Appendix 48
Background and Objectives
The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) is a national trade
organization representing…
T h e NPD Group
Custom R e s e a r c h S e r v i c e s
Graywater Awareness &
Usage Study
Prepared For:
THE S<^ ANo'DElttCtNT Aji^lAI •
Table of Contents
Page Number
^ Background and Objectives 2
es Methodology 3
^ Reporting Notes 4
^ Summary of Key Findings 7
^ Who Reuses Graywater? 10
What is the Graywater Cycle? 18
^ Why is Graywater Reused? 37
K When is Graywater Reused? 43
Appendix 48
Hand Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfection for Reopening
This webinar, brought to you by ACI and the Healthy Schools, Healthy People program, is designed to help school nurses and administrators develop their school plan, taking into consideration the vital role of hand hygiene, as well as cleaning and disinfecting, in helping to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within school communities. Get resources and recommendations…
The ACI Member Sustainability Showcase is our one-stop online information source for cleaning product industry sustainability updates. It is a portal to our member companies’ best sustainability content, including sustainability reports, webpages, press releases, and other initiatives.
ACI is enthusiastic about every opportunity to celebrate and promote the sustainability success stories of all our member companies. With countless efforts…
You may pull an item out of the dryer and find that the heat has caused the stain to set. At that point, you may think all hope is lost, but there are still a couple of things you can try.
This monograph summarizes: 1) critical fate and effects data required for an
environmental risk assessment on linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS); and
2) conclusions drawn from a risk assessment of LAS in the United States.
Although focused on conditions in the U.S., data from other parts of the
world that are relevant to a U.S. assessment are included in the monograph.
The monograph is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily one
familiar with environmental risk assessment…
This webinar discussed recent changes in the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention and reviewed the potential impacts of this reorganization.
Access the slides and recording (Members Only)
Tue, 10/20/2020 - 13:00
Tue, 10/20/2020 - 14:00
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Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holiday
Clean Your Paws for Santa Claus!
Keep Germs Away During the Holiday Season! Download our holiday coloring sheet and share with your children as you talk to them about good hand hygiene.
With so many other good things to do during the holiday season, who wants to spend precious time being sick? The American Cleaning Institute®, shares some of her favorite tips for staying healthy during the…
st.atus of water euarity and point & Non-point sourcePollution in the Southeastern United States
sidney J. curran, paur J. DeFrahcisco, Andrew c. Reirly,
and Nicholas L. Clesceri
Nicholas t. Clesceri & AssociatesEnvironmental Engineers and ConsultantsLake Shore Drive, Bolton Landing, Ny IZ}J 4
Prepared for:
The Soap & Detergent Association
475 Pank Ar/enue, South
New York, Ny LO016
September 3, 1985
. vii
A. Background