Results (1213)
The following questions were asked of 1,008 American adults (500 men and 508 women). The independent consumer research study was completed February 25-28, on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (formerly the Soap and Detergent Association), by Echo Research. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.
What changes have you made, if any, in your cleaning or laundry routines in the past year?
Wash laundry in cold water more…
Good Picnic Site Stewardship
Tips for keeping it clean and pristine
A picnic in the park is a true summer pleasure...provided you're not trying to locate a site that's free of someone else's trash. Good stewardship of our parks is everyone's responsibility, even more so now that budget cuts across the nation are affecting park maintenance.
Good picnic protocol means leaving the site in pristine condition. All that's required is a…
Whether your grill is the centerpiece of an outdoor kitchen or a small hibachi, a clean grill just works better. With a few tools and a little work, you’ll be ready to barbeque again. It’s always helpful to check the owner's manual for specific instructions on cleaning your grill.
After Each Use
The key to a clean grill is to be diligent about cleaning it immediately after each use, rather than waiting until you…
Litchfield Middle School Students Promote Lifelong Lessons on Handwashing and Hygiene
"Healthy Schools, Healthy People" Award Given by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Minnesota FCCLA Chapter Teaches 500 Children about Hand Hygiene and the Benefits of Cleaning Products
A group of Minnesota middle-schoolers knows a thing or two about teaching the meaning of…
Q: My kids are into making Valentine's Day cards and decorations. It's fun, but it creates a mess – especially the markers and the craft glue! How do I get these stains out of their clothing?
For regular felt-tip markers (those that aren't labeled "permanent"), rinse the stain with cold water until no more color is being removed. Then place the stain face down on some clean paper towels and sponge with rubbing alcohol. Apply the alcohol first to the…
If you or your child have allergies or asthma, you already know that many things can bring on, or "trigger," an asthma flare or episode. Some things that trigger asthma attacks are called allergens. Some people get symptoms from only one allergen - like dust mites. For other people, more than one kind of allergen can trigger an episode.
Tobacco smoke is an asthma trigger. Avoid smoking in a home where a person with asthma lives.
Q: We had a real tree for Christmas but now I am finding tree sap everywhere! What is the best way to clean mittens, coats and my carpet?
A: Rubbing alcohol can remove sap from washable clothing, knit gloves, and rugs, because it acts as a solvent.
For clothes, even a down coat, saturate the area with alcohol, let sit for a minute, then launder in warm water with regular detergent. Heat sets stains, so be sure all the sap is gone before using the dryer. Repeat the…
Practicing good hygiene is an important part of defending ourselves against the coronavirus. By and large, we have been cleaning and disinfecting more than usual during the pandemic, a habit which we will likely continue as we enter a “new normal” following the height of the pandemic. There may be different reasons why you worry about “cleaning too much.” It could be that you’re worried about cost, the amount of product you’re using in your home, or the use of…
Q. Is it safe to use empty containers of laundry detergent and other cleaning products for arts and crafts projects now that it’s too cold for my kids to play outside?
Cleaning product containers are not toys. We encourage parents and teachers to keep cleaning products out of reach of children and pets. So, using cleaning product containers for crafts could send a mixed message to children.
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. As an industry, we are striving to optimize use of our planet’s resources across all phases of a product’s lifecycle. In order to achieve this, we must pay particular attention to the water and energy we use and the waste we generate as a result of creating cleaning products.
The product packaging is critical in allowing your cleaning…