The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1150)

There's lots to teach about cleaning! The origins of personal cleanliness date back to prehistoric times. Since water is essential for life, the earliest people lived near water and knew something about its cleansing properties - at least that it rinsed mud off their hands. And clean hands keep you from sharing germs. Browse ACI's publications for teacher resources. STEM Education…
December 5, 2018
How did you do? Find out what what the answers were and why to increase your cleaning and disinfecting know-how.   1. How often should you wash a reusable face covering? Never, unless someone else is going to use it After each use Weekly Monthly Just spray it with disinfectant Why: The CDC recommends washing your face covering routinely. Best practice is after each use. Cloth masks can be washed by machine or by hand, then should be completely dried, either by machine or by laying flat,…
August 25, 2020
Writing letters, arts and crafts, homework, making a grocery list … it doesn’t really matter how it got there. But if you take a close look around, you’re bound to find pen, marker, pencil or crayon markings on walls, desks, tables and furniture. Here’s how to remove those stains on a variety of surfaces. Painted Walls and Painted Wood Furniture Test the washability of the surface by first washing an inconspicuous area. Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner or a wood cleaner. For walls,…
December 6, 2018
In addition to their school supplies, there are items we can drop into backpacks to help ensure our youngsters stay clean and healthy in the classroom.
August 15, 2019
Life changes when a baby arrives, and it can be hard for new parents to feel prepared to navigate it all. Most expecting parents feel less than completely prepared to use cleaning products properly and safely around a new baby. The Clean First Steps: A Guide for New Parents toolkit is designed to provide guidance on the cleaning and hygiene best practices that can help keep babies and young children safe and healthy. Explore the different elements of the toolkit below…
June 26, 2023
Spanish Language Resources Arms Child Care Center Employees, Caregivers and Children with Targeted Hygiene Best Practices Download the Toolkit The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched a Spanish version of its C is for Clean: Building Blocks of Healthy Child Care Toolkit providing evergreen, easy-to-understand recommendations on disinfecting, cleaning and hygiene protocols to help keep child care centers safe and healthy. The C is for Clean toolkit arms…
July 22, 2024
There’s nothing more important than the health and well-being of our friends and family, especially those who can’t always care for themselves. Learn about cleaning product safety.
December 3, 2019
Helps Consumers Better Understand How and Why to Recycle Cleaning Product Packaging Part of ACI’s Sustainability Initiative, Striving for All Cleaning Product Packaging to Be Circular The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched a new web page and guide devoted to helping consumers navigate recycling cleaning product packaging. “Close the Loop on Cleaning Products” breaks down the considerations when recycling different containers and how to find details on local recycling programs through…
July 19, 2022
There are so many cleaning products out there. How do you pick the best one for your and your family? The best cleaning product is the one that will be used, so the most important thing is that it works for what you need it for. If a product isn’t working, try something else. Not sure what to choose? The label has a lot of good information that can help. See our guide on reading a label for more information. One place to look on the label as a starting point is at the product certification…
July 22, 2021
Let’s face it. No one LOVES to clean the bathroom, especially when it gets a little out of hand. Our suggestion? Do a little bit of spot-cleaning every day. The ideal time is when you’re in it.
April 29, 2019