The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1263)

Q. After seeing the effect of plastic straws on ocean life, I made a point to get a metal straw and have been keeping it in my purse. But how do I keep it clean? Metal straws, like utensils, can be a great way to reduce the need for single-use plastic. It should be washed after each use, even if you were just drinking water. If you're on the go, you can rinse it with hot water, towel it off, and tuck it back in your purse. Once home, clean…
Our first virtual cleaning summit, in partnership with Good Housekeeping, was packed with insights from experts on how to keep your home and family safe.
ACI member manufacturers are actively conducting studies and working with the FDA to reinforce the safety and efficacy of these products  The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) refuted recent comments made by activist groups challenging the safety and effectiveness of lawfully marketed antibacterial soaps and ingredients.   Contrary to the assertions raised by these groups, led by the Green Science Policy Institute in comments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA…
On August 5, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will virtually hold its annual Environmental Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM). The EMPM is a public forum for EPA, pesticide registrants, and other stakeholders to discuss issues related to modeling pesticide fate, transport and exposure for pesticide risk assessments in a regulatory context. This meeting offers a forum for presentations on the Drinking Water Assessment Improvements for Surface Water Exposure. The…
Materiality assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of the risks and opportunities most significant to a company’s mid- to long-term success. In 2015, ACI became one of the first organizations to perform such an analysis on an industry-wide basis. Doing so has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability issues that matter most to companies and stakeholders. Now we are using this…
Top Global Business-to-Business Meeting for the Cleaning Product Supply Chain Set for January 31-February 5, 2022 in Orlando, Florida American Cleaning Institute Will Bring Together Supply Chain Executives from Around the Globe – In-Person! Two words describe the 2022 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Annual Meeting and Industry Convention: “It’s on!” Registration for the global cleaning product supply chain’s top business-to-business event is now open on the ACI website. The event will…
ACI-Commissioned Poll Results Reinforce Importance of Using Disinfecting Sprays, Wipes As Directed to Ensure Virus Kill 8 in 10 Americans Are Confident in Ability of Cleaning Products to Protect Against Coronavirus A new poll conducted for the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds that four in ten Americans are not properly allowing disinfectant sprays and wipes to kill the viruses and germs that can make us sick. The survey, conducted by Ipsos for ACI (, asked…
Fragrance Creators Association (Fragrance Creators) President & CEO Farah K. Ahmed and the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) President & CEO Melissa Hockstad released a joint statement today, recognizing the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) efforts to promote practical education and training related to new consumer products VOC regulations. The organizations co-hosted a one-hour webinar for members yesterday featuring Joe Calavita, Manager, Consumer…
ACI is First Non-Manufacturer Group to Successfully Submit Chemicals for Approval by EPA Safer Choice Program The Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice program approved eight cleaning product ingredients submitted by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) for inclusion in its Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL). The decision marks the first time Safer Choice has approved a SCIL submission by a non-manufacturer. The SCIL is a list of chemical ingredients that are evaluated by the…
Consumer Product Ingredient Safety C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien t S afety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients 2nd Edition 2nd Edition E xp o su re an d R isk S creen in g M eth o d s fo r C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien ts Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening…