The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1213)

Sorting it Out The space age has entered today's wash-a-day world. Just sort and pretreat your laundry ... touch the right buttons or dials on your washer and dryer ... match up the wash loads to the right laundry products ... then walk away - and let your laundry problems wash away! All it takes is the know-how of sorting it all out, and that's exactly what this information is all about. Let it help you get clean results -…
,'.. " ... \;'; ." ",',r, ,', ~:.- " "".'." ' ~ .. , i', ~' , " AN INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER .. ',;" :' ,'" .,- ...- '.'. ~,'-- CONTAMINATION FROM AN ONSITE SEWAGE ::, i " 1, DISPOSAL SYSTEM (OSDS) AT A SINGLE FAMILY HOME IN FLORIDA " ..'. . , ,-,' , ) . , , · , · '".' ' . Phase 3 Status Report Prepared for: , ,'. ~ THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ., 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 .. , ':' , " ,- l Prepared by: , ''... OWEN…
    Taking care of our schools is a critical priority for our young people to continue to thrive. For everyone, including faculty, nurses, parents/guardians and students to feel supported and confident in their school community, we recognize health and safety is a top priority – and everyone has an important role to play. The Healthy Schools, Healthy People program is a collaboration of…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) offers room by room cleaning suggestions for the many surfaces in your home.
ACI Announces the "Home Safety: When Safety Comes First, You Last" Program, the 2016 Recipient of the Clean and Healthy Families & Communities Award Award Recipients Congratulations to team lead, Rachel Hubbard, and team members, Sylvia Davis, Mitzi Parker, Suzanne Williams, Roxie Price, Kayla Craft and Andrea Scarrow, all educators from Georgia with Southwest District FACS Agents, who…
Report from the Asthma Science Forum May 10, 2011           Industry Sponsored Asthma Science Forum                                                       Report of Workshop held May 10, 2011  Renaissance Capital View, Arlington, Virginia    Submitted to:  Asthma Scienc ng Committee     e Forum Steeri   Submitted by:    Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment  (Contact: Jacqueline Patterson,    January 17, 2012  Final    Copyright © 2012 American 
Brought to you in partnership with:  Experts agree that frequent hand washing is one of the first lines of defense against illness. Along with hand washing, ensuring surfaces that you come into contact are free of germs is another important line of defense against the spread of germs or pathogens (disease causing bacteria, viruses or fungi). High touch surfaces such as door knobs, switches, and shopping cart handles are some places where cleaning may not be enough to… Provides Resources for Parents, School Staff, and Kids on Hand Hygiene and Cleaning Practices The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched a new website for the Healthy Schools, Healthy People initiative, a joint effort of ACI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to promote hand hygiene and cleaning practices as a means to prevent the spread of infectious disease in schools and…
MEETING THE CHALLENGE: Progress Report on The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) Commitments under Voluntary High Production Volume (HPV) Chemical Programs The Soap and Detergent Association JUNE 2008 SDA HPV PROGRESS REPORT COPYRIGHT THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION 2008, All Rights Reserved 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) is a U.S. national trade association representing the formulators of household,…
Director, Regulatory Science Darius A. Stanton II is the Director of Regulatory Science at the American Cleaning Institute. In this Role, Mr. Stanton is responsible for development and management of research strategies related to the safety of cleaning product ingredients, serve as a point of contact for ACI’s chemical management and regulatory programs and help expand scientific understanding of ACI chemistry tools and…