Results (1187)
Cleaning goes on throughout the year, but there are some awareness days that ACI observes every year that are useful for raising awareness about safety messages related to cleaning products as well as their benefits.
National Cleaning Week
Each year, starting on the fourth Sunday in March, we celebrate the annual tradition of spring …
As we head into the time of year for spring cleaning, it’s a good time to check your cleaning supplies. For effective cleaning, make sure products are within their use by date and you restock anything running low.
Ideally, there shouldn’t be a right way or a wrong way to clean – as long as someone is actually cleaning! But, many a fight has been had over the proper way to load a dishwasher. So here are some handy tips to keep the dishes clean, and families intact.
For dishwashers made in the past 10 years, simply scrape off food. You do not need to rinse. This wastes water. Many dishwashers have a "quick rinse" setting that will take the place of rinsing in…
Key Information for Caregivers: As With Any Household Cleaning Product, Safe Use and Storage of Laundry Packets is Essential
Safety Tips Available on ACI Website:
Detergent Manufacturers Are Fully Committed to Reducing Incidents Related to Laundry Packets
Companies Have Made Significant Changes to the Products and Packaging
More than 99% of Liquid Laundry Packets Being Shipped in Compliance…
Prevent Poisoning @Home
Help the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) prevent poisonings in the home. Share our e-cards or infographics with friends and family.
Share ACI's Poison Prevention Activity Sheet.
A poisoning is when someone swallows, breathes, touches or gets splashed in the eye with a substance that can cause sickness or death. Many times the substances in and of themselves are not…
Surfactants (yellow) cause water to lose surface tension, which is what keeps water separate from other materials
Have you ever seen a bead of water sitting on a surface? This is because water has a property called surface tension. This tension causes water to form a bead on the surface of things like glass or fabric. You can see surface tension at work by placing a drop of water onto a counter top. The drop will hold its shape and will not spread.
In order to clean the dirt on our clothes,…
I j
USES OF GLYCERINE T HE unusual combination of properties of glycerine has resulted in its use in a great variety of products
and processes. Some of these uses depend on its physical
properties such as hygroscopicity, viscosity or high
,boiling point - while others depend on its chemical
properties. In many cases it may be a combination of
several of its properties, both physical and chemical,
which make…
One-third of us don’t believe we are cleaning everything in our homes often enough. Here's what you should be cleaning.
Forget about the good old days, when Monday was Laundry Day, ironing was an art form, and Grandma starched the sheets. Today, we're lucky to find time to fit meals in, let alone dedicating hours to caring for our clothes.If you're like most people, your fabric care is done on an "as needed" basis — battling spills, smells, and wrinkles as you prepare to face tomorrow. Thankfully, innovations in fabric care products are keeping pace with our hectic lives. Today's fabric…
Naturally, some of the areas we touch most frequently, are also the ones we need to clean and disinfect regularly. Get our tips on tackling these high-touch spots.