The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1012)

American Cleaning Institute Praises Draft Proposal on Cleaning Product Ingredient Transparency Proposal Would Create National Standard for Cleaning Product Ingredient Labeling On-Pack and Online ACI: “Consumers Have a Right to Know, Understand and Trust” What’s in their Products The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce is discussing a legislative proposal that would establish – for the…
T ^ Wisconsin Lakes Study (II): Statistical Covariance Analysis of Physical and Chemical Data Robert Clifford, Jr., John Wilkinson, Nicholas L. Clesceri, Keith A. Booman and Richard I. Sedlak, Jr. * January 1985 2 ABSTRACT Statistical covariance analysis of data collected by the Soap and Detergent Association during its Wisconsin Lakes Study assessed the effectiveness of an interim detergent phosphorus ban. The covariance of basic limnological parameters between lakes expected to be…
TRAC A C U T E T O X I C I T Y O F A L K Y L B E N Z E N E S U L F O N A T E T O HYALLELA AZTECA: E F F E C T O F MANIPULATION O F S E D I M E N T O R G A N I C C A R B O N Final Report Submitted to: Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Report Number B-463 January 18, 1995 J TRAC LABORATORIES. INC. 2787 GULF BREEZE PARKWAY GULF BREEZE. FLOR CA 32561 904-932-2717 FAX 904-932-5058 TRAC Laboratories, Inc. 113 Cedar St P.O. box 215…
A llultlple Loke llethod to Anolgze For Temporol Uorlotlons bg Robert Cl lFFord, Jtr . 1, John t¡J. trJl lklnson _, Nicholos L. Clescerl _ ond Rlchord I. Sedlok, Jr. 3 The Soop ond Detergent Associotion lnltioted o loke monitoringsurvEtg From 1978 through 1983 to oscertoin the efFectlveness oFon interlm detergent phosphorus bon in the stote oF l¡Jisconsin. âpoired-roke opprooch tr.ros emploged in thls studg. Lokes expectedto be impocted bg uosteuoter eFFluent nutrient…
Some clothes are easier to care for than others. Here are some guides for dealing with tricky fabrics, specific color groups, and links to our supporting topic pages. Explore laundry basics and a how-to list, good detergents, and precautions to take around children on laundry day! Dark Clothes Rash Guard…
Reusable bags are a sustainable alternative to plastic bags. However, they need proper care to prevent things like germs and mold from growing and cross-contaminating your food. Wash and store bags safely between each use. Here's how: Clean Wash bags after each use, following care instructions. See the fabric care label or the table below for more details. Wipe insulated bags with a disinfecting or…
This monograph summarizes: 1) critical fate and effects data required for an environmental risk assessment on linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS); and 2) conclusions drawn from a risk assessment of LAS in the United States. Although focused on conditions in the U.S., data from other parts of the world that are relevant to a U.S. assessment are included in the monograph. The monograph is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily…
{ "@context": "", "@type": "Event", "name": "2020 ACI Convention - American Cleaning Institute", "startDate": "2020-01-27T09:00", "endDate": "2020-02-01T12:00", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Grande Lakes Orlando", "address": { "@type": "…
Cleaning Product Industry Trade Group Says Agency Decision Doesn’t Reflect Best Available ScienceThe American Cleaning Institute (ACI) expressed disappointment with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Final Supplemental Risk Evaluation for 1,4-dioxane, released November 13, saying that it does not fully reflect the best available science and is not in accordance with weight of scientific evidence standards under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).…
I OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNLTY IN BY NUTRIENTS AND ZOOPLANKTON FINAL REPORT I 30 JUNE, 1990 Craig N. Spencer Research Assistant Professor Flathead Lake Biological Station University of Montana Polson, MT 59860 OFCONTENTS Page An inexpensive,deep-water limnocorral .................................................................. that cqmpensates for wave actions 1 Co-li itation by phosphorus and nitrogen, and e "; fects of…