The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1211)

TRAC A C U T E T O X I C I T Y O F A L K Y L B E N Z E N E S U L F O N A T E T O HYALLELA AZTECA: E F F E C T O F MANIPULATION O F S E D I M E N T O R G A N I C C A R B O N Final Report Submitted to: Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Report Number B-463 January 18, 1995 J TRAC LABORATORIES. INC. 2787 GULF BREEZE PARKWAY GULF BREEZE. FLOR CA 32561 904-932-2717 FAX 904-932-5058 TRAC Laboratories, Inc. 113 Cedar St P.O. box 215…
Parents: 20 Seconds Could Save You or Your Kids Weeks in Bed this Cold & Flu Season (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.…
Five Great Ways to Show Dad you Care Does Dad really need another tie for Father’s Day? Is a bottle of after-shave going to ring his chimes? Probably not! So this year, how about something really different? What busy dads are short on is time to care for the “stuff” that fills their lives. Here are some ideas for gifting him with a surprise cleanup. 1. His Grill: A warm grill is easier to clean than a cold one. So fire it up, and then let it cool until slightly warm. Using a…
american cleaning institute® Cleaning with Little Kids What You Need to Know as They Grow Accidents can happen in an instant. In an emergency, call Poison Control at (800) 222-1222. INFANTS Tip: Read and follow product label instructions and keep products securely closed. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tip: Age appropriate chores include sorting and folding clothes, organizing toys and room cleaning. TODDLERS…
american cleaning institute® Cleaning with Little Kids What You Need to Know as They Grow Accidents can happen in an instant. In an emergency, call Poison Control at (800) 222-1222. INFANTS Tip: Read and follow product label instructions and keep products securely closed. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tip: Age appropriate chores include sorting and folding clothes, organizing toys and room cleaning. TODDLERS…
Spring Means Clean for more than 3 in 4 Americans, as 76% of Households Spring Clean Every Year (up from 72% from 2013) 91% Spring Clean at Least Every Few Years (up from 81% in 2013) 58% of Americans Choose Spring to Deep Clean Their Homes Millennials Deep Clean Their Homes More Often Than Boomers and Gen Xers In-depth results available here Washington, D.C. – March 29, 2018 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released its 2018 National Cleaning…
We love fresh fall breezes, but not when it blows dust and grime into our home. Here are some tips for cleaning the entire window, coverings, sills and glass: Window Sills and Frames: Remove dirt and debris. Use a small broom or vacuum window frames and sills to get rid of dust, soot, cobwebs, and dead insects. Wipe plastic or vinyl frames and sills with cleaning wipes. If you use a spray product, be sure to spray the product on cloth, and…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) previewed the launch of a new ingredient communication tool, ‘What Cleaning Ingredients Do,’ designed to enhance consumer understanding through greater transparency and building trust with consumers. The tool, outlined during ACI’s Mid-Year Meeting in Washington D.C., was developed by ACI’s Future Leaders, representatives of a cross-section of cleaning product manufacturers and chemistry producers. The…
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CLEANING CHECKLIST ROOM FEATURES: Door handles  Clean  Disinfect Light switches  Clean  Disinfect Floors  Vacuum or sweep, starting from the farthest corner and working toward the exit. Bed Mattress  Vacuum and clean, consider disinfecting to get rid of dust mites, then top with a mattress cover and sheets. #DYK Clean to remove dirt from the surface, using an all-purpose cleaner or soap and water. Disinfect to kill germs. Important Tip: Read the…