Results (1247)
Did you know that there are different levels of laundry? There’s routine everyday cleaning and then there are the extra steps and enhanced precautions you should be taking when a family member is sick or has a weakened immune system. We relied on laundry safety experts to determine what precautions were recommended when and created a three-level laundry guide for best laundry practices for better health. Know…
You’ve invested in the clothing that will protect you from the harmful rays of the sun. But are you taking care of those rash guard shirts as well as you are caring for your skin? If you don’t launder them properly, they can lose their effectiveness. So read up!
Rinse it out with fresh water immediately after wearing
Never use hot water, only cool or lukewarm
Turn the garment inside out and hand wash, using a biodegradable soap
Hang dry away from direct sun or heat
Don’t fold or ball up…
Read Press Release
Q. Which of the following cleaning tasks do you enjoy doing the most?
(Top Ranked Response)
24% Laundry
21% Cleaning countertops
21% Vacuuming
17% Dishes
7% Cleaning Furniture
7% Wiping windows
4% Polishing floors
Q. How often, if ever, do you read the instructions on the tag for how to wash your clothes before washing them?
35% All of the time
42% Some of the time
16% Rarely
6% Never
Q. Approximately…
Q: I suspect that our new backyard has some poison ivy. If I wear gloves, long sleeves and long pants to protect me, how do I clean these clothes when I'm finished gardening so I don't spread the poison ivy?
A: You are right to be concerned. Poison ivy produces a resin called urushiol. This resin is the culprit that triggers allergic rash reactions in most people. When it remains on unwashed clothing, it is still active. Avoid touching your clothes with bare hands or…
Free, Online Resources Prepare College Students Keeping Clean On and Off Campus
Download the Toolkit:
Do college students know how to clean? The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) aims to answer yes to that question with its brand new Class of Clean: The College Student’s Guide to Cleaning toolkit, which provides concise, step-by-step information and guidance to help keep college kids clean and healthy.
The Class of Clean…
Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and bacteria that commuted with you are transferred from your hands to your workstation. Ugh! And then, if…
New recommendations enable families to choose the appropriate laundry care to meet their household’s needs.
Did you know there are different levels of laundry? The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released new science-based recommendations on laundry practices to help consumers understand how to help care for their families.
The new guidelines come as industry has seen an increase in consumer questions related to …
Forget about the good old days, when Monday was Laundry Day, ironing was an art form, and Grandma starched the sheets. Today, we're lucky to find time to fit meals in, let alone dedicating hours to caring for our clothes.If you're like most people, your fabric care is done on an "as needed" basis — battling spills, smells, and wrinkles as you prepare to face tomorrow. Thankfully, innovations in fabric care products are keeping pace with our hectic lives.…
Cleaning fine washables for picture perfect portraits
Holiday portraits, with family members dressed in their best, are cherished momentos. Whether it's a once-in-lifetime event or a yearly tradition for your family, looking good is the goal.
Portrait-worthy Fabrics
Clothes that are clean and sparkling are the perfect complement to those smiling faces. To make sure your garments are portrait worthy, the American Cleaning Institute urges gentle care for…
Are you using single-load liquid laundry packets?
Single-load liquid laundry packets (also referred to as laundry pods, pacs, or packs) are a new laundry innovation containing highly concentrated detergent. If not safely stored or handled properly, the laundry packets can lead to injury from ingestion or exposure to the eyes.
Remember, children act fast, so do accidents! The American Cleaning…