The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (221)

Fragrances R.J. Steltenkamp, K.A. Booman, J. Dorsky, T.O. King, A.S. Rothenstein, E.A. Schwoeppe, R.I. Sedlak, T.H.F. Smith, G.R. Thompson 1980
February 27, 2019
Cleaning Products The NPD Group 1999
March 9, 2019
ALGAL BTOOM MANAGEMENT ÀND CONTROL AIes Prokop, Nicholas t. Clesceri, and Sidney J. Curran Nicholas L. Clesceri & Associates Envi¡:onmental Engineers and ConsultantsLake Shore Ðrive, Bolton tanding, Ny-12gL4 Prepared for: The Soap & Ðetergent Association 475 Park Avenue, South Nev¡ York, NY 10016 May 9, L985 CONTENTS Page . .ivLIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES I. II. v INTRODUCTTON .1 RBVIEW OF BASIC CONCEPTS IN ERESHWATER P}TYTOPLANKTON ECOLOGY A. ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE B.…
ALGAL BTOOM MANAGEMENT ÀND CONTROL AIes Prokop, Nicholas t. Clesceri, and Sidney J. Curran Nicholas L. Clesceri & Associates Envi¡:onmental Engineers and ConsultantsLake Shore Ðrive, Bolton tanding, Ny-12gL4 Prepared for: The Soap & Ðetergent Association 475 Park Avenue, South Nev¡ York, NY 10016 May 9, L985 CONTENTS Page . .ivLIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES I. II. v INTRODUCTTON .1 RBVIEW OF BASIC CONCEPTS IN ERESHWATER P}TYTOPLANKTON ECOLOGY A. ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE B.…
ACI and Good Housekeeping’s Second Annual Summit Takes Place October 27 Free, Virtual Event Will Explore the Important Role Cleaning Plays in All Facets of Daily Life Stay Up to Date on Latest Speaker Updates: Registration is now open for the second summit hosted by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping magazine: Discover Cleaning 2021: Cleaning is Caring. This free, virtual event takes place Wednesday, October 27…
September 28, 2021
I Ilt I I PB-301 r93 1Ti :;il ii{ HUIVIAN SAFETY Al\lD ENVI RONIVIINTAL ASPEETS OF IIAJOR SURFACTANTS A Reponr To THe SOAP Al,lD DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ['lsv 31, 1977 ,l ''lÌ il ,.', , ,":,*ü--i,ffi,1p¡ê! Anhur D Litttet\,o., Thls report 1s rendered upon the condition that it 1s not to be reproduced ln whoLe or Ln part for adverËlsing purposes wlthout the speclal perrisslon in wrlting of Arthur D. LittLe, Inc. This report was prepared by Arthur D. Little,…
FINAL REPORT Srudy Title IN VITRO MAMMALIAN CHROMOSOME ABERRATION TEST Test Article Triclocarban Authors Ramadevi Gudi, Ph.D. Caren Brown, M.S. Study Completion Date 22October2002 Performing Laboratory BioReliance 9630 Medical Center Drive Rockville, Maryland 20850 Laboratory Study Number AA55XE.33I.BTL Sponsor Project Number 2002-0t-TCC Sponsor Soap and Detergent Association 1500 K Street, N'W Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Page I of92 A BroRrunNcr" STATEMENT…
THE FUTURE IS CLEAN 2019 Sustainability Report WHAT’S INSIDE 03 Introduction 03 How We Lead 04 What We’ve Been Doing 05 Our Sustainability Goals 06 Upholding Well-being 07 A Cleaner, Healthier World 08 Sharing Knowledge 10 Confronting Climate Change 11 The Science is Clear 12 Steps Toward Meaningful Reduction 15 Thinking Circular 16 Using Less Today for a Livable Tomorrow 17 Valuing Our Planet 22 Supporting the SDGs 23 Supporting Global Frameworks for a Fairer, More…
State of: 2007-12-19 SIDS Initial Assessment Repor t For SIAM 25 16-19 October 2007, Helsinki 1. Chemical Name: Category of Alkyl sulfates, Alkane sulfonates and α-Olefin sulfonates 2. CAS Number: See Tables 1-1 and 1-2 3. Sponsor Country: Germany Contact Point: BMU (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit) Contact person: Dr. Reiner Arndt Postfach 12 06 29 D-53048 Bonn 4. Shared Partnership with: SDA / Alkylsulfate Consortium 5. Roles/…
Fragrances Danneman, P.J., K.A. Booman, J. Dorsky, K.A. Kohrman, A.S. Rothenstein, R.I. Sedlak, R.J. Steltenkamp and G.R. Thompson 1983
February 27, 2019