The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1263)

ACI members can watch this event on demand. Through detailed cleaning product ingredient nomenclature and ingredient function analysis, consumer research and stakeholder engagement, ACI's Future Leaders have focused their work on how the industry can get ahead of ingredient communication issues collectively. Learn more about this work, its potential impact on the industry and closing the gap between ingredient communication and consumer understanding…
EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN IN BUSINESS | WASHINGTON, D.C. hen it comes to cleaning, Melissa Hockstad knows her stu� . An engineer with extensive experience in the chemical industry, she spent years in product development and in roles working for several trade associations representing chemical and plastics manufacturers. In 2017, she became president and CEO of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), combining her knowledge of chemicals and leadership experience. “We are constantly…
Practicing good hygiene is an important part of defending ourselves against the coronavirus. By and large, we have been cleaning and disinfecting more than usual during the pandemic, a habit which we will likely continue as we enter a “new normal” following the height of the pandemic. There may be different reasons why you worry about “cleaning too much.” It could be that you’re worried about cost, the amount of product you’re using in your home, or the use of disinfectants.…
Feb. 2 Session: Navigating Through Turbulent Times: The Cleaning Product Industry’s Path Forward ACI Convention Set for Jan. 30-Feb. 4, Orlando, FL Executives from Bradford Soap, Church & Dwight and Evonik will discuss how they are navigating through unpredictable economic swings and global unrest, which can drastically impact marketplace success, during the Industry Leadership Panel at the 2023 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Industry Convention. The panelists…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) hosted its largest Capitol Hill fly-in event on June 14 for member companies to engage with congressional offices on the need to establish a national standard for cleaning product ingredient communication. As consumers seek more information about their cleaning products, a national labeling standard for cleaning product ingredients would ensure this information is consistent, transparent, and accessible to consumers across the United States, no matter…
Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Clean Your Paws for Santa Claus! Keep Germs Away During the Holiday Season! Download our holiday coloring sheet and share with your children as you talk to them about good hand hygiene. With so many other good things to do during the holiday season, who wants to spend precious time being sick? The American Cleaning Institute®, shares some of her favorite tips for staying healthy…
The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI) is the Home of the U.S. Cleaning Products Industry®. ACI serves the growth and innovation of the U.S. cleaning products industry by advancing the health and quality of life of people and protecting our planet. ACI achieves this through a continuous commitment to sound science and being a credible voice for the $57.4 billion cleaning products industry. Read our history, who we are, and who we represent, as well as find out how…
American Cleaning Institute’s Class of Clean: A College Student’s Guide to Cleaning provides free, online resources from stain removal 101 to sick roommate cleaning tips See All Survey Findings Here Download the Toolkit: The sophomore year of the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI), Class of Clean is now in session. The” College Student’s Guide to Cleaning” aims to educate college students on proper cleaning, laundry and…
Best Selling Author Ben Nemtin to Speak Feb. 4 ACI Convention Set for Jan. 31-Feb. 5, 2022, Orlando, FL Ben Nemtin, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?, will give a keynote address at the 2022 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Industry Convention. Nemtin’s presentation, “5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible,” will take place February 4 during ACI’s Convention Week, January 31-February 5, 2022, at the Grande Lakes Orlando in Orlando, Florida…
Global Cleaning Product Industry’s Top Business Event Takes Place Jan. 31-Feb. 5, 2022 in Orlando The cleaning product supply chain is ready to get together again. The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has announced that its 2022 Annual Meeting & Industry Convention will be held in-person. The event takes place January 31-February 5, 2022 at the Grande Lakes Orlando in Orlando, Florida. ACI will continue to monitor guidance concerning attendee safety and the Convention will abide by…