Results (1241)
Boron Compounds
Dyer, Scott D. and Robert J. Caprara
Q. How are your hand hygiene practices different now compared to before the spread of novel coronavirus or COVID-19?
64% I wash my hands with soap and water more frequently.
51% I am more mindful about washing my hands for at least 20 seconds.
62% I use hand sanitizer more often.
10% I have not made any changes to my hand hygiene practices.
Q. What hygiene or cleaning products are you using more now than before the spread of the novel…
The holidays can do a number on your home! Between house guests, holiday feasts, and kids on school breaks, your house probably need some TLC. Try these tips to clean up and start New Year off on a sparkling clean foot.
Clean Up After House Guests
Give your house’s surfaces a deep clean. Wash all your linens. Vacuum carpets, floors, and baseboards to give yourself a fresh start. Clean out your refrigerator -…
Cleaning Chemistry Catalog provides resources on household cleaning product ingredients
Unveiling of C3 Tool Underscores Theme of 2023 National Cleaning Week: Understanding Clean
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) kicked off National Cleaning Week (March 26 - April 1) by launching a redesigned database for the Cleaning Chemistry Catalog (…
Brownawell, Bruce J., Hua Chen, Wanjia Zhang, and John C. Westall
American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and “The Germ Guy” Jason Tetro Offer Tips on Keeping Clean, Healthy and Safe
Washing with soap and water and regular cleaning, disinfecting and laundering routines should be “front and center,” says ACI
Common sense cleaning, disinfecting and laundering practices should be front and center as the nation faces a “Triple Threat” of pandemic fatigue, cold and flu season and holiday crowds,…
How has improved cleanliness standards impacted public health?
Today, we may take cleaning for granted but it plays a vital role in health. We can see that by looking at the drop in the infectious disease mortality rates in the 19th century. For example, of the top 10 leading reasons for death, infectious disease was 633% higher in 1900 vs 1997 in the US. Advances in medicine like penicillin and vaccines played a critical role in the treatment of incurable…
ACI to Present the Chemistry of Clean "Live" at USA Science & Engineering Festival
Students Will Explore the Science of Product Formulation April 7-8 in DC
ACI Booth Supports New STEM Website, Exploration Clean
Washington, DC, April 2, 2018 – A simple activity will demonstrate how chemistry is essential for creating consumer products – specifically liquid hand soaps – at the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI…
Fraunhofer Inst¡tut
Molekularbiologie und
Angewandte Oekologie
Study Report
Daphnia magna, reproduction test in closed vessels
following OECD 211
Cro Fatty alcohol
GLP-Code of Testing Facility: SDA-00514-21
The Soap and Detergent Association
Technical & | nternational Affairs
1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C., 20005, USA
Hans Sanderson, PhD
Director Environmental Safety
Study Monitor
Scott Belanger, PhD
The Procter & Gamble Company
11810 East Miami River Rd…
Alcohol Ethoxylates
Alkylphenol Ethoxylates
Sylvia S. Talmage
Health Sciences Research Oi"sion
Oak Ridge Nalion~ Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(SOA) The Soap and Detergent Association
Library orCongres.s Catuloging.ln.Publil:lllion DUlli
Talmage. Sylvia S.
Environmenlal and human sorely Ilf major surfaclants : ;IlcohoJ
clhoxylmes nnd olkylphcDol clho;l;ylotes I a repan [0 [he Soap Mil…