The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1103)

If your kitchen has accumulated some wear and tear over the past few months, the changing of the seasons is a great time to spruce things up. Here are some tips to get your kitchen sparkling in time for fall.
Getting chewing gum where it doesn’t belong can be a sticky situation. It can be hard to get off of fabrics and surfaces and can attract more grime. Use our tips when gum gets away from you.
During the last year or two, contactless payment and service options have popped up everywhere. Whether setting up services using your phone, a tablet or a kiosk, here are some tips on how to keep your screens safe and clean.
Germ Reduction in Schools Focus of Lunch and Learn Webinar Resources, Recording and Additional Webinars Available Online ACI’s second Lunch and Learn Webinar, Germ Reduction and Disease Prevention in Schools: Healthy Schools, Healthy People, It’s a SNAP on August 9, shared tips and resources to help educators and school nurses reduce germs at school and improve student health. Good hand hygiene behavior can help students stay healthy and in school…
Forget about the good old days, when Monday was Laundry Day, ironing was an art form, and Grandma starched the sheets. Today, we're lucky to find time to fit meals in, let alone dedicating hours to caring for our clothes.If you're like most people, your fabric care is done on an "as needed" basis — battling spills, smells, and wrinkles as you prepare to face tomorrow. Thankfully, innovations in fabric care products are keeping pace with our hectic lives. Today's fabric…
As a new renter, you (along with any roommates, if applicable) will need to be ready to keep your space clean. From the day you move in to the day you eventually move out and all the time in between, we have tips to keep your apartment looking its best! 
Sorting it Out The space age has entered today's wash-a-day world. Just sort and pretreat your laundry ... touch the right buttons or dials on your washer and dryer ... match up the wash loads to the right laundry products ... then walk away - and let your laundry problems wash away! All it takes is the know-how of sorting it all out, and that's exactly what this information is all about. Let it help you get clean results -…
There are so many cleaning products out there. How do you pick the best one for your and your family? The best cleaning product is the one that will be used, so the most important thing is that it works for what you need it for. If a product isn’t working, try something else. Not sure what to choose? The label has a lot of good information that can help. See our guide on reading a label for more information. One place to look on the label as a starting point…
New Packets Up! Advice Aimed at Laundromat Customers ACI is a Gold Sponsor of #PrevCon2023 The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is convening with hundreds of top safety experts and partners at the Safe Kids Worldwide Childhood Injury Prevention Convention (PrevCon) for four days of conversation focused on preventing unintentional childhood injuries. As a Gold Sponsor of PrevCon 2023 (July 23-26), ACI will highlight the Packets Up! Campaign. Now in its eleventh year, the Packets Up!…
American Cleaning Institute and Dr. Kwandaa Roberts Unveil Miniature Laundry Room for Packets Up! Campaign Learn More on ACI’s 2024 Cleaning Survey Results The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is emphasizing safety in laundry spaces of all sizes. As a part of their Packets Up! campaign, ACI partnered with Dr. Kwanda Roberts, creator behind @TinyHouseCalls, to remind parents and caregivers that no matter where laundry is done, safety is always a priority. Today, Americans are doing laundry…