The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (258)

The scope of SDA research over the of children, it is on his or her bookshelf. past 10 years has been unusually The fifth edition was edited by twoDetergentbroad. Research activity has been di- medical experts. Dr. Anthony Temple,vided into two major areas: human McNeU Laboratories, and Dr. Frederick safety and environmental acceptability Lovejoy, Harvard Medical School.Research tflof detergents and detergent raw mate- Information in the bulletin on the rials. Briefly, SDA research in the hu-…
TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ..................................... I. Acknowledgements 1 11. Introduction......................................... 2 111. Chapter 1. Influence of Inorganic and Organic Nutrient Enrichment on Blue-Green Algal Activity and Relative Biomass in a Eutrophic Southwest Montana Reservoir ................................................... 5 IV. Chapter 2. Immunochemical Localization of Nitrogenase in Marine T- Aggregates: Relationship to N2 fixing Potential…
Handwashing Habit Will Be the Habit They’ll Keep Up with in the Months Ahead, American Cleaning Institute Survey Finds Ahead of Cold and Flu Season, ACI Reminds Americans to Remain Vigilant and Maintain Healthy Habits with Proper Hand Hygiene Global Handwashing Day Oct. 15 Handwashing outranks other pandemic-related countermeasures – such as wearing masks and social distancing – that Americans indicate they’ll continue in the next months, an American Cleaning Institute (ACI) survey finds.…
October 12, 2021
Agency Considers New Regulatory Category for Key Germ Killing Ingredients ACI: FDA May Be Taking “Restrictive Approach” Towards Active Ingredients The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) submitted in-depth data and information to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update the agency’s review of germ-killing antiseptic hand cleaning products that are widely used in commercial food handling settings.    In July 22 comments submitted to FDA, ACI recommended that the agency align the scope of…
July 24, 2019
Ecolab Across the cleaning product supply chain, companies have increased production, adapted manufacturing lines, donated money and resources, and taken extra measures to protect their employees. Here is one such story from Ecolab. See our full COVID-19 Impact Report for more. Cheryl Littau, Ph.D., Corporate Scientist, and Linda Homan, RN, BSN, CIC, Sr. Manager, Clinical Affairs, are passionate about Ecolab’s hand hygiene compliance monitoring technology. Why? Because when…
September 23, 2020
Here at ACI, we have challenged our members to align their corporate climate strategy and targets with the 1.5°C ambition, which strives to reach net-zero global emissions by 2050. Across the cleaning products industry, companies are taking bold action to limit the global average temperature rise to less than 1.5°C. Milliken & Company has stepped up to the challenge. ACI spoke with Milliken's Deidre Sandrock, Director of Sustainability and Innovation, and Cindy Boiter, EVP and…
March 12, 2024
Learn about PVA & Water Soluble Films Used in Dishwashing and Laundry Pods and Packets Liquid detergent packets were introduced to the North American market in 2010 and have since become an important product. They have grown in popularity because they provide a convenient way to deliver the correct dose of detergent for maximum cleaning efficiency. With increased use come more questions…
July 15, 2021
I htI ¡ T ¡ I I I I I t t t I I I I t PHOSPHORUS LOADS TO THE CHESAPEAKE ÛAY SYSTEM Prepared for THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION New York, NY August,1984 By Wu-Seng Lung, PhD,PE Consulting Environmental Engineer Charlottesville, VA 3 3 5 5 5 7 L1 18 19 3. 4. 5. ; FI ,iI ,il I I I t t I t t t Table of Contents 1. Introduction and purpose 2. Study Approach 2.1 Chesapeake Bay BasÍn Model2.2 Sources of Data and Information Results of Analysis 3.1 Delivery Ratio 3.2 TotaI…
PHOSPHORUS AND NITROGEhü REMOVAL FROM MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER Principles and Practice Second Edition RICHARD SEDLAK, Editor Phosphorus and l\itrogen Removal From Municipal Wastewater Princþles und Practíce, Second Edítion Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Phosphorus and nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater: principles and practice/Richard l. Sedlak, editor.-2nd ed.p. cm. lncludes bibliographical references. tsBN 0-87371-683-3. 1. Sewage-Purification-Nitrogen…
PHOSPHORUS AND NITROGEhü REMOVAL FROM MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER Principles and Practice Second Edition RICHARD SEDLAK, Editor Phosphorus and l\itrogen Removal From Municipal Wastewater Princþles und Practíce, Second Edítion Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Phosphorus and nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater: principles and practice/Richard l. Sedlak, editor.-2nd ed.p. cm. lncludes bibliographical references. tsBN 0-87371-683-3. 1. Sewage-Purification-Nitrogen…