Results (1294)
By Electronic Mail
October 19, 2021
Brian Deese
National Economic Council
Dear Mr. Deese:
The Biden-Harris Administration’s recently issued outline, American Pandemic Preparedness:
Transforming Our Capabilities, provides important insight into the whole-of-government work
underway to ensure the U.S. responds rapidly and effectively in the event of a future pandemic.
We are writing to both commend your efforts and to advocate for our industries’ inclusion as an…
Did you know that there are different levels of laundry? There’s routine everyday cleaning and then there are the extra steps and enhanced precautions you should be taking when a family member is sick or has a weakened immune system. We relied on laundry safety experts to determine what precautions were recommended when and created a three-level laundry guide for best laundry practices for better health. Know the Levels of Laundry and how to step up your laundry routine, when…
Honor Presented at 2020 ACI Convention
ACI CEO: Rob Bartolo “Defines Selflessness, Dedication and Commitment”
Dr. Robert Bartolo, Director - Global Product Stewardship at Procter & Gamble, is the 2020 recipient of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Elva Walker Spillane Distinguished Service Award. The honor was presented at the 2020 ACI Annual Meeting & Industry Convention.
Dr. Bartolo is being recognized…
Fraunhofer Inst¡tut
Molekularbiologie und
Angewandte Oekologie
Study Report
Daphnia magna, reproduction test in closed vessels
following OECD 211
Cro Fatty alcohol
GLP-Code of Testing Facility: SDA-00514-21
The Soap and Detergent Association
Technical & | nternational Affairs
1500 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C., 20005, USA
Hans Sanderson, PhD
Director Environmental Safety
Study Monitor
Scott Belanger, PhD
The Procter & Gamble Company
11810 East Miami River Rd…
Features CDC Expert
Designed to Assist School Administrators, Teachers and School Staff
Schools play a central role in slowing the spread of diseases in communities by providing healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments for students. To support their efforts, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar covering best practices and key prevention strategies to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy.
The free webinar, “The Continued Role…
The first issue of ACI’s Convention News – published by Chemical Week – is now available:
ACI 2020 Convention News – Issue 1
The publication previews the 2020 ACI Convention, summarizes key ACI member issues and reports on other industry news.
Follow daily news updates from the 2020 ACI Convention on ACI’s Twitter feed and via the hashtag #2020ACI.
Honorable Basil Seggos
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-1010
RE: Cleansing Product Information Disclosure Program
Dear Commissioner Seggos:
The American Cleaning Institute1 (ACI) has, and will continue to be, an active stakeholder in the
Department’s efforts to amend and update New York’s household cleansing product rules (…
If you or your child have allergies or asthma, you already know that many things can bring on, or "trigger," an asthma flare or episode. Some things that trigger asthma attacks are called allergens. Some people get symptoms from only one allergen - like dust mites. For other people, more than one kind of allergen can trigger an episode.
Tobacco smoke is an asthma trigger. Avoid smoking in a home where a person with asthma lives…
March 18, 2020
Federal, State and Local Elected Officials:
The food, beverage, and consumer packaged goods industries appreciate the critical steps that
have been undertaken in order to contain the COVID-19 outbreak caused by the coronavirus,
SARS-CoV-2 as quickly as possible. We stand together with the federal, state, and local
governments with the desire to meet this challenge and ensure that Americans continue to have
access to safe, healthy foods and essential…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) praised steps taken by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow consumers to more easily access information about ingredients in antimicrobial pesticide products, such as disinfectants.
EPA announced that “consumers will be able to view inert ingredients for certain products by following a QR code or website link included on a product’s label. An inert ingredient…