The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1221)

Follow These Rules for Keeping Uniforms Spotless Keeping school, work and sports uniforms looking their best starts in the laundry room! By following these basic guidelines, you can help a uniform to last the entire season – and even beyond. 1. Start with the "right fit." A too-tight uniform can cause excess perspiration (and resulting stains), and one that drags in the sleeves or hem can pick up extra soil. So when possible, try for a uniform that fits well. 2.…
  Click images below to download your digital copy, print and share our hygiene messages.   Be sure to share the results of the coloring sheets on social media using the hashtag #HealthySchoolsHealthyPeople!   At Your Finger-Tips: Cold & Flu Prevention   Activity & Coloring Sheets   Going Beyond Green to be Clean Keep Germs Away on St. Patrick…
People don't typically dispose of cleaning products - they use them up. Empty packages can then be recycled or discarded with other household waste. Unused amounts of cleaning products can generally be safely disposed of down the drain or in the trash. That's not the case with all products found around the home. For those products that do require special handling, such as solvent-based paints, used motor oil and certain pesticides, household hazardous…
ACI member manufacturers are actively conducting studies and working with the FDA to reinforce the safety and efficacy of these products  The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) refuted recent comments made by activist groups challenging the safety and effectiveness of lawfully marketed antibacterial soaps and ingredients.   Contrary to the assertions raised by these groups, led by the Green Science Policy Institute in comments to the Food and Drug…
Don’t let the crafty kid messes add to your stresses. The American Cleaning Institute offers these tips for cleaning up after your budding Picasso has finished with arts and crafts. Choose Wisely: Stock your craft closet with washable paints and markers and water-based craft glue. If any of the coloring mediums get on clothes, simply pretreat the stain with a prewash stain remover and toss the soiled items in the wash. Finger Paint…
American Cleaning Institute 1401 H Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-347-2900 Fax: 202-347-4110 E-mail: .mapouter{text-align:right;height:300px;width:320px;}.gmap_canvas {overflow:hidden;background:none!important;height:300px;width:320px;} Contact Us Share Topic - Select -ACI's BlogScienceProduct…
Social Media Blogs, Videos Portray Unsafe Use of Cleaning Products The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following safety reminder in the wake of news reports on social media videos portraying individuals ingesting powder detergents and additives: “Powdered detergent and additives are only intended to clean clothes and other surfaces and have been safely used by consumers for decades. “Although safe when used as directed, the intentional misuse…
American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Hosts Annual Congressional Fly-In Cleaning Product Innovators Focus on Improving TSCA Review Process, Recycling Issues The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) hosted its annual Capitol Hill fly-in event on June 12 for member companies to engage with congressional offices on issues most important to the cleaning products industry. The lobbying event focused on issues related to the Toxic…
Key Information for Caregivers: As With Any Household Cleaning Product, Safe Use and Storage of Laundry Packets is Essential Safety Tips Available on ACI Website: Detergent Manufacturers Are Fully Committed to Reducing Incidents Related to Laundry Packets Companies Have Made Significant Changes to the Products and Packaging More than 99% of Liquid Laundry Packets Being Shipped in Compliance…
Naturally, some of the areas we touch most frequently, are also the ones we need to clean and disinfect regularly. Get our tips on tackling these high-touch spots.