Results (1212)
If your kitchen has accumulated some wear and tear over the past few months, the changing of the seasons is a great time to spruce things up. Here are some tips to get your kitchen sparkling in time for fall.
74% of Americans rinse their dishes all or most of the time before loading the dishwasher unnecessarilyOnly 46% of U.S. households wash laundry in cold water most of the time, even though it saves energy and moneySustainable cleaning tips are available at released survey data from the American Cleaning Institute shows that Americans have more to learn when it comes to sustainable…
Whether you’re a first-time parent or you’re welcoming another baby into your home, it’s important to wash your baby’s clothes properly. Check out our tips.
Q: This holiday season, I’ll be hosting several overnight guests from out of town. Do you have any tips for getting my home and guest room ready?
Having guests for the holidays is a great excuse to spruce up your home. Focus first on the bedrooms, bathrooms, and other shared spaces. Here are my top ten tips for preparing your home for guests.
Put mats and throw rugs in all entryways. This will help prevent dirt from being tracked into your home.
Keep a…
You can keep your home clean despite your pets and for your pets with these tips.
Cleaning For Pet Health
Sometimes our pets get sick. A fur-baby can catch a virus, pick up bacteria, or become host to parasites. Prevention is key. Pets should receive regular vaccinations. See your veterinarian for the best guide in determining the timing of vaccinations for dogs, cats and other pets. There are also things you can do around the house to help…
Associations Publish New Guidance for Professional Applications Using Enzyme-Based Cleaning Products
Guidance helps manufacturers of professional cleaning products containing enzymes in their risk assessment and management processes
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), A.I.S.E. (International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products), AMFEP (Association of Manufacturers & Formulators of Enzyme Products) and HCPA (Household & Commercial Products Association) published a new industry guidance intended to provide…
Ahead of Cold and Flu Season, ACI Reminds Americans to Remain Vigilant and Maintain Healthy Habits with Proper Hand Hygiene
For Global Handwashing Day Oct. 15, ACI Provides Dedicated Webpage with Key Handwashing Tips and Resources to Help Curb the Spread of Viruses and Germs
As we commemorate Global Handwashing Day on October 15, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) reports a 14-percentage point decline in frequent handwashing since the start of the…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) offers room by room cleaning suggestions for the many surfaces in your home.
There are two key strategies you can try for getting your children on board with chores. Keep it simple … and challenge them to be part of the solution.
Start by creating a Chore Chart in a central location. Try a chalkboard, bulletin board, or basic sheet of paper set up in a grid: columns for days of week, and rows for family members. Scratch paper with pushpins or reusable Post-its®sticky-notes are great tools – involve the kids by having them write one chore per slip of…