The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1256)

What is Coronavirus According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which already circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold. COVID-19 has symptoms associated with respiratory illnesses, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. It spreads like other respiratory illnesses as well, primarily through person-to-person contact. Cleaning for Coronavirus…
Q How Does Cleaning Affect Your Health? A. Personal hygiene and regular housecleaning are essential to good health and cleaning products can help. Frequent handwashing is key to preventing the spread of microorganisms (also known as microbes or germs) that cause many common illnesses. And regular cleaning of surfaces in the home removes dirt and food particles on which germs can grow.In addition, cleaning…
Free Webinar for Parents and Teachers on December 8, 2020 at Noon EST The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is partnering with the National Parent Teachers Association (PTA) to sponsor and moderate a December 8 panel discussion on the challenges schools and families are facing this school year when it comes to staying safe and healthy—and also cleaning, disinfecting and hand hygiene best practices, with actionable advice for school staff and parents. During…
Most Dreaded Tasks: Cleaning Hard to Reach, Filthy Spots 80% Would Rather Spring Clean than Fill Out Tax Forms! View the Survey Results Checkout American Cleaning Institute’s Spring Cleaning Guide ACI Launches its TikTok Channel Featuring Cleaning Tips and Tricks Spring cleaning is a top priority for more Americans than ever, according to new consumer data released by the American
Life changes when a baby arrives, and it can be hard for new parents to feel prepared to navigate it all. Most expecting parents feel less than completely prepared to use cleaning products properly and safely around a new baby. The Clean First Steps: A Guide for New Parents toolkit is designed to provide guidance on the cleaning and hygiene best practices that can help keep babies and young children safe and healthy. Explore the different elements of the…
Once your kids are old enough (about 6 or 7), there’s no reason not to teach them how to clean their rooms! I's helpful to explain why it’s a good idea to clean up.
Automatic dishwashers represent a tremendous saving in time and effort; they minimize breakage through reduced handling of dishes; they help keep the kitchen neater and more clutter-free; and cleanup after entertaining is simplified. These are benefits that have much appeal to consumers. In order to ensure that public health standards are maintained, hospitals and many other food service institutions are required by law to clean dishes by automatic dishwashing methods. The benefits of an…
You use your cell phone every day. It goes from your pocket or purse to your face. You hand it to your kid to play a game, take it into the bathroom with you and leave it by your bed at night. And everywhere your phone goes, germs follow. In fact, a recent study found that phones have, on average, 10X more bacteria than most toilet seats. Ewww! Wash your hands before using your phone to minimize grime and germs. In addition, here are some simple tips for
Do you know how to properly dispose of your cleaning products after you’re done using them? Our guide will help point you in the right direction.
American Cleaning Institute Unveils Cleaning for Mental Health webpage ACI Partners with Psychologist Dr. Joy - Host of Therapy for Black Girls on Instagram - During Mental Health Awareness Month During Mental Health Awareness Month this May, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is sparking the conversation on the connection between cleaning and mental well-being. In light of recent survey results, which found that nearly…