The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1269)

This monograph summarizes: 1) critical fate and effects data required for an environmental risk assessment on boron; and 2) conclusions drawn from a risk assessment of boron in the United States. The monograph addresses the environmental exposures to boron resulting from consumer use and disposal of the ingredient as a result of its presence in cleaning products. The monograph is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily one familiar with environmental risk…
Social Media Blogs, Videos Portray Unsafe Use of Cleaning Products The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following safety reminder in the wake of news reports on social media videos portraying individuals ingesting powder detergents and additives: “Powdered detergent and additives are only intended to clean clothes and other surfaces and have been safely used by consumers for decades. “Although safe when used as directed, the…
The use of cleaning products, disinfectants and their chemistries contribute to public health in homes, schools, healthcare settings and communities every single day. But consumers might not understand this after reading some of the commentaries in news coverage of a review article summarizing previous research on a key chemistry used in many cleaning products and disinfectants. The news coverage and related headlines – some of which were a bit alarmist –…
Read Press Release Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning? 77% Every year 6% Every other year 5% Every few years 3% Less often than every few years 8% I never spring clean  Q. On average, approximately how many days total does your spring cleaning take? 29% One to two days 31% Three to four days 40% Five days or more Average = 6 days Q. Which of the following, if any, do you…
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Once the weather starts to cool, start fresh by cleaning bedding as you get out additional blankets. Here are some tips for giving your beds a slumber-ready cleaning.
Survey Results Were Presented at ACI &amp; Good Housekeeping’s Discover Cleaning: Inside &amp; Out Virtual Summit Nearly Half of Americans Will Clean and Disinfect More This Flu Season A new national survey reveals 86 percent of Americans are confident in their cleaning products to help protect against coronavirus. This new consumer cleaning and hygiene research was presented as part of the American Cleaning
CLEANING CHECKLIST ROOM FEATURES: Door handles  Clean  Disinfect Light switches  Clean  Disinfect Floors  Vacuum or sweep, starting from the farthest corner and working toward the exit. Bed Mattress  Vacuum and clean, consider disinfecting to get rid of dust mites, then top with a mattress cover and sheets. #DYK Clean to remove dirt from the surface, using an all-purpose cleaner or soap and water. Disinfect to kill germs. Important…
SYNTHETIC DETERGENTS IN PERSPECTIVE their relationship to sewage disposal and safe water supplies TECHNICAL ADVISORY COUNCIL THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION 295 Madison Avenue I wew York 17, N. Y. Copyright 1962 lThe Soap and Detergent Assocíation Printed in U.S.A. FOREWORD Without ample supplies of good water, the soap and detergent industry can neither serve the public nor prosper. It is part of our job to protect healthful living-not only by…
Automatic dishwashers represent a tremendous saving in time and effort; they minimize breakage through reduced handling of dishes; they help keep the kitchen neater and more clutter-free; and cleanup after entertaining is simplified. These are benefits that have much appeal to consumers. In order to ensure that public health standards are maintained, hospitals and many other food service institutions are required by law to clean dishes by automatic dishwashing methods. The benefits of an…