The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1286)

Whatever type of flooring you have, here are some tips to keep those floors clean and in good shape.
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own? 28% said completely prepared 35% said very prepared 28% said somewhat prepared 6% said not very prepared 3% said not at all prepared Q. Which of the following, if any, are preventing you from keeping your dorm or room clean? 53% said lack of motivation 50% said lack of time 19% said roommate(s) get in the way 15% said they don’t have the…
Items Routine Care Special Instructions Appliances  Accessories  Trim Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner. Rinse with clean water and dry with a clean, soft cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleanser that may scratch the plastic. Bathtubs Shower Stalls Sinks Wall Tile Use a tub/tile/sink cleaner; nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner; or a paste of baking soda and water. Apply the…
Polyvinyl Alcohol Film (PVA/PVOH) Contributes to Concentrated Detergent Products Used by Millions of Households Everyday Decades of Real-World Science Demonstrate Environmental/Human Safety and Biodegradability of PVA/PVOH The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), the trade association for the U.S. cleaning product supply chain, issued the following statement in response to a petition from non-governmental…
Q. How likely are you, if at all, to do the following while gathering with friends and family during the holiday season? 89% will frequently wash their hands with soap and water 79% will use hand sanitizer 69% will disinfect frequently touched surfaces 53% will socially distance 53% will use alternative greetings (fist bumping/elbow bumping) 53% will wear a mask Q. If hosting for the holidays, how concerned, if at all, are you about your guests' opinions of…
There are two key strategies you can try for getting your children on board with chores. Keep it simple … and challenge them to be part of the solution. Start by creating a Chore Chart in a central location. Try a chalkboard, bulletin board, or basic sheet of paper set up in a grid: columns for days of week, and rows for family members. Scratch paper with pushpins or reusable Post-its®sticky-notes are great tools – involve…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released a new report, Rising to an Unprecedented Challenge: The cleaning products industry’s response to COVID-19, which outlines the actions industry leaders have taken in response to the increased demand for cleaning and hand hygiene products and the urgent need to reduce the spread of the virus in hospitals, public transit systems and other public spaces. In addition to a rapid and…