Results (1250)
April is Financial Awareness Month and there are small things you can do every day to save money on cleaning.
A Guide for Healthy Workspaces
As a business owner, you are not alone in navigating how to best keep your workspace safe and clean. To help, we’ve created the Clean Means Business toolkit offering guidance, adapted from public health recommendations, to ensure a high level of cleanliness. Reinforce confidence among your teams and customers through effective cleaning and disinfecting best practices…
Quick Laundry Tips for the Whole Family
Whether you live to do laundry or it’s your least favorite chore, we’ve all got to do it. These practical tips and decorating tricks will make the laundry one of the simplest chores on your checklist. Now laundry day doesn’t look so bad after all.
1. Take advantage of your alone time
Whether your child is taking a nap or they’re out on the soccer field, take the opportunity to get a few loads done…
Parents: 20 Seconds Could Save You or Your Kids Weeks in Bed this Cold & Flu Season
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We’re already deep into cold and flu season – but it’s never too late to start protecting yourself. Easy step? Keep your hands clean. Consider this: 65% of U.S. parents of children ages 5 and under don’t always wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, according to a new survey by…
What is Monkeypox?
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), monkeypox is a viral disease in the same family of viruses as the one that causes smallpox, although milder. It can be spread through close contact with a person with monkeypox or touching objects, fabrics, and surfaces that have been used by someone with monkeypox. There is currently an outbreak that has reached several countries and most U.S. states, which is being closely monitored by public…
Q: This year my resolution is to do a better job keeping my home clean and organized. Things always get so cluttered once the kids go back to school after the holidays. Do you have tips for how to start the year off on the right foot?
The New Year is a great time to reset your cleaning routines and put some new organizational systems in place. Here are my top five cleaning resolutions:
Make It a Family Project. Assign different family…
Three in Four Americans Critique the Tidiness of Holiday Gatherings, Says American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Survey
ACI provides resources to help ensure proper cleaning and hand hygiene this holiday season
That extra bit of tidying up before you welcome holiday guests will be worth it. A new survey released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds that 74% of Americans judge the hosts of holiday gatherings on the cleanliness and…
The American Cleaning Institute knows that many families affected by Hurricane Harvey are suffering and families will continue to be impacted by the flooding. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the devastation.
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in your home after a flood is a major undertaking. It is important that it be done right to prevent further damage to the property and help prevent illness. Choosing and using the right…
What is Norovirus?According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), norovirus is a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. It is easily spread through direct contact with an infected person, consuming contaminated food or water, or touching contaminated surfaces and the virus can survive on those surfaces for days or weeks. Norovirus outbreaks are common and can affect people of all ages. Public health experts closely monitor norovirus infections,…
Dishwashers are great time savers. To keep you and your family safe the American Cleaning Institute offers a dozen tips for dishwasher safety:
Place sharp items, like knives, with points down in the utensil basket.
Carefully place glassware to prevent breaking/chipping. Make sure they can’t rattle against each other when the dishes and glasses are sprayed with the water or when you slide the rack in or out.
Avoid overloading. Crowing glasses and plates can…