The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (258)

                               “With a severe flu season underway and the threat of a global pandemic, it’s important to avoid confusion among parents and other consumers that would prevent them from using the very disinfectants that are proven to effectively kill germs and therefore protect public health during times like these.” The American Cleaning Institute ( and the Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association, the trade associations for the cleaning…
February 19, 2020
ACI Announces the "Home Safety: When Safety Comes First, You Last" Program, the 2016 Recipient of the Clean and Healthy Families & Communities Award Award Recipients Congratulations to team lead, Rachel Hubbard, and team members, Sylvia Davis, Mitzi Parker, Suzanne Williams, Roxie Price, Kayla Craft and Andrea Scarrow, all educators from Georgia with Southwest District FACS Agents, who are being honored for their "Home Safety: When Safety Comes First, You Last" …
February 4, 2019
Since 1926, ACI has cooperated with schools, health agencies, industry and other organizations to get the job done. Over the years, our work has been possible because of our ability to build and sustain partnerships. Today, relationship building continues to be the backbone of ACI. We have relationships with many organizations in other countries, including ABIPLA, ACCORD Australasia, AISE, JSDA, CCSPA, CANIPEC, CCIA, TSDA, CASIC, ALIADA and IHPCIA through INCPA, CEFIC and its Sector Groups (e.…
January 29, 2019
What is Coronavirus According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which already circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold. COVID-19 has symptoms associated with respiratory illnesses, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. It spreads like other respiratory illnesses as well, primarily through person-to-person contact. Cleaning for Coronavirus Handwashing: Proper…
February 28, 2020
✔ Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and encourage others to do the same. (Schedule time for this.) Set the Example ✔ Keep at least 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer handy in the classroom when schedules prohibit a bathroom trip. Supervise its use by younger students. ✔ Stay home if you are feeling sick or if you have been exposed to someone who is sick. ✔ Help remind students to stay vigilant about handwashing, especially at key times…
December 3, 2018 The Honorable John Barrasso Chairman Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Tom Carper Ranking Member Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Chairman Barrasso and Ranking Member Carper: The undersigned associations representing a diverse group of industries across the country write to express our support for the nomination…
OECD SIDS LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE (LAS) UNEP PUBLICATIONS 1 FOREWORD INTRODUCITON LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE (LAS) 1322-98-1 Decylbenzene sulfonic acid, sodium salt 25155-30-0 Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid, sodium salt 26248-24-8 Tridecylbenzene sulfonic acid, sodium salt 27636-75-5 Undecylbenzene sulfonic acid, sodium salt 68081-81-2 C10-16 Monoalkylbenzene…
Environmental stewardship program for polymers used in cleaning products K. Stanton1 M.W. Lam2 A. Carrao3 1American Cleaning Institute, 2The Procter & Gamble Company, 3Kao USA Inc. CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS  Continue to progress PQ10 activated sludge Kd.  Evaluate additional classes of polyquaterniums, cationic polymers.  Build knowledge-base and capability. Ingredient Stewardship What? Water-soluble polymers are important ingredients in down-the-drain cleaning products as they…
Environmental stewardship program for polymers used in cleaning products K. Stanton1 M.W. Lam2 A. Carrao3 1American Cleaning Institute, 2The Procter & Gamble Company, 3Kao USA Inc. CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS  Continue to progress PQ10 activated sludge Kd.  Evaluate additional classes of polyquaterniums, cationic polymers.  Build knowledge-base and capability. Ingredient Stewardship What? Water-soluble polymers are important ingredients in down-the-drain cleaning products as they…
March 13, 2019 The Honorable Nancy Pelosi The Honorable Mitch McConnell Speaker of the House Majority Leader U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Kevin McCarthy The Honorable Chuck Schumer Minority Leader Minority Leader U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510 Dear Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Leader McCarthy, and Leader Schumer: The…