The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (578)

ACI Statement on FDA Consumer Rule on Antibacterial Soaps Washington, D.C. – September 2, 2016 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released the following statement in response to a final rule issued by the Food and Drug Administration concerning consumer antibacterial soaps and washes: "Consumer antibacterial soaps and washes continue to be safe and effective products for millions of people every single day. "Antibacterial soaps are critical to public health…
February 4, 2019
OECD SIDS LONG CHAIN ALCOHOLS 1 SIDS Initial Assessment Report For SIAM 22 Paris, France, 18 – 21 April 2006 TOME 1: SIAR Category Name Long Chain Alcohols (C6-22 primary aliphatic alcohols) 1. and 2. Chemical CAS no. Chemical name Names and CAS numbers 111-27-3 1-Hexanol 111-87-5 1-Octanol 112-30-1 1-Decanol 112-42-5 1-Undecanol 112-70-9 1-Tridecanol 112-72-1 1-Tetradecanol 629-76-5 1-Pentadecanol 36653-82-4 1-Hexadecanol 143-28-2 9-Octadecen-1-ol, (9Z)-…
If you or your child have allergies or asthma, you already know that many things can bring on, or "trigger," an asthma flare or episode. Some things that trigger asthma attacks are called allergens. Some people get symptoms from only one allergen -  like dust mites. For other people, more than one kind of allergen can trigger an episode. Tobacco smoke is an asthma trigger. Avoid smoking in a home where a person with asthma lives. The most common allergens are…
December 5, 2018 COVID-19: Considerations for Schools Carrie Dooyema Community Guidance Development Team Overview of Presentation  Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)  Plan and Prepare  Promoting Behaviors that Prevent Spread  Maintaining Healthy Environments and Operations  Preparing for When Someone Gets Sick  CDC Resources Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) COVID-19: Outbreak Update  Caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2  First U.S. case reported…
Writing letters, arts and crafts, homework, making a grocery list … it doesn’t really matter how it got there. But if you take a close look around, you’re bound to find pen, marker, pencil or crayon markings on walls, desks, tables and furniture. Here’s how to remove those stains on a variety of surfaces. Painted Walls and Painted Wood Furniture Test the washability of the surface by first washing an inconspicuous area. Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner or a wood cleaner…
December 6, 2018
Summer’s here, and with it, the increased awareness of, and need for, sunscreen. We need the protection, but our tile floors? Not so much. Fortunately, there are easy ways to clean up when we accidentally slather and spray SPF on surfaces other than our skin. Clothes While that’s definitely good news for you and your kids, it sounds like the family wardrobe didn’t make out as well. But don’t fear; most commercially available bug sprays and sunscreens do wash
December 6, 2018
Automatic dishwashers represent a tremendous saving in time and effort; they minimize breakage through reduced handling of dishes; they help keep the kitchen neater and more clutter-free; and cleanup after entertaining is simplified. These are benefits that have much appeal to consumers. In order to ensure that public health standards are maintained, hospitals and many other food service institutions are required by law to clean dishes by automatic dishwashing…
December 6, 2018
This monograph summarizes: I ) critical fate and effects data required for an environmental risk assessment on sodium hypochlorite; and 2) conclusions drawn from a risk assessment of sodium hypochlorite in the United States. Although focused on conditions in the U.S., data from other parts of the world that are relevant to a U.S. assessment are included in the monograph. The monograph is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily one familiar with environmental risk assessment…
THE FUTURE IS CLEAN 2019 Sustainability Report WHAT’S INSIDE 03 Introduction 03 How We Lead 04 What We’ve Been Doing 05 Our Sustainability Goals 06 Upholding Well-being 07 A Cleaner, Healthier World 08 Sharing Knowledge 10 Confronting Climate Change 11 The Science is Clear 12 Steps Toward Meaningful Reduction 15 Thinking Circular 16 Using Less Today for a Livable Tomorrow 17 Valuing Our Planet 22 Supporting the SDGs 23 Supporting Global Frameworks for a Fairer, More…
Bleaches help whiten, brighten and remove stains. Here's how to use bleach on clothes: Bleach converts soils into colorless, soluble particles which are easily removed by detergents, then carried away in the wash water. Bleach can also brighten and whiten fabrics and help remove stubborn stains. Sodium hypochlorite bleaches (also called chlorine or liquid household bleach) are the more powerful laundry bleaches; they disinfect, as well…
December 6, 2018