Results (1221)
2019 ACI National Cleaning Survey Stats on Laundry:
77% of People Frequently Read Tag Instructions Before Washing Clothes
52% Tend to Wash Clothes in Cold Water
Laundry is America’s favorite cleaning task, according to the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) 2019 National Cleaning Survey.
Nearly a quarter of respondents to the survey, conducted by Wakefield Research on behalf of ACI, picked laundry as the …
When living with young children and babies, creating a safe and functional home often requires careful consideration. This is especially important in high-risk areas of the home, such as the laundry room, medicine cabinet and sleeping spaces. To help you achieve this, we’ve collaborated with organization and child safety experts to share insights on creating a safe home, no matter the size. Whether you’re reorganizing, revamping or preparing to bring a new baby home, this comprehensive guide…
A backpack that is well cared for will look better and last longer. And now is the best time to do that cleaning, especially at the end of the school year.
Handwashing tips, Free Mini-Poster and Activity Sheet
In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, the American Cleaning Institute has an engaging handwashing education activity sheet for children. Even though flu season is nearly over, CDC reminds us that handwashing is always a critical step in avoiding getting sick and spreading germs to others.
When Should You Wash Your Hands?
After using the restroom
When preparing…
Q. American Heart Health Month has inspired me to use my treadmill (for exercise, not a clothes rack!) How do I clean it?
Keeping your treadmill and other exercise equipment clean is important for maintenance and safety. Fortunately, it’s easy. (Much easier than keeping up with a rigorous exercise routine.) Just follow these steps and you’ll be off and running!
Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away sweat on the deck, handrails and conveyer belt after every use.
Once a week, use a damp, clean…
74% of Americans rinse their dishes all or most of the time before loading the dishwasher unnecessarilyOnly 46% of U.S. households wash laundry in cold water most of the time, even though it saves energy and moneySustainable cleaning tips are available at released survey data from the American Cleaning Institute shows that Americans have more to learn when it comes to sustainable…
American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and “The Germ Guy” Jason Tetro Offer Tips on Keeping Clean, Healthy and Safe
Washing with soap and water and regular cleaning, disinfecting and laundering routines should be “front and center,” says ACI
Common sense cleaning, disinfecting and laundering practices should be front and center as the nation faces a “Triple Threat” of pandemic fatigue, cold and flu season and holiday crowds,…
It may be the holiday season, but it’s also cold and flu season. Keep illnesses from spreading through holidays into the New Year with these tips, for a cleaner and healthier for you and everyone around you.
Get a Flu Shot. While flu season starts to peak in November, the heaviest months for flu are December through March. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for the antibodies that provide protection against influenza infection to develop in the body. The Centers for…