The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1238)

  Make your own mini-book: The Art of Sciences & Bubbles is now available in a downloadable PDF format.       Combine water and detergent. Stir well, but do not shake. For stronger bubbles, add ½ cup corn syrup or glycerin, or more detergent. Experiment with different brands of dishwashing detergent until you find one that works best for you. HINT: Playing with bubbles can be messy and slippery! Try blowing bubbles outdoors, near…
“The products and chemistries our industry creates are leading us to a clean and vibrant future.”       - Melissa Hockstad, ACI President & CEO Our Future Is Clean is ACI’s campaign highlighting the cleaning products industry’s efforts toward a clean, sustainable world and to promote consumers’ health and well-being.   ACI is proud to lead an industry movement involving…
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Together, we can ensure a vibrant future. Sustainable Practices From saving water and energy to recycling, ACI has resources on steps everyone can take each day to clean in a sustainable way. Saving Water…
Your teeth are clean. But is your bathroom? Whether your children are learning how to brush their teeth or water splashed and left spots, how do you keep the mirror clean? It’s wonderful that you’ve convinced your children to brush their teeth. But unfortunately, good oral hygiene often comes with a mess – toothpaste globs and schmears on the counter and mirror. Not to worry. With a little bit of elbow grease and the right…
Five Great Ways to Show Dad you Care Does Dad really need another tie for Father’s Day? Is a bottle of after-shave going to ring his chimes? Probably not! So this year, how about something really different? What busy dads are short on is time to care for the “stuff” that fills their lives. Here are some ideas for gifting him with a surprise cleanup. 1. His Grill: A warm grill is easier to clean than a cold one. So fire it up, and then let it…
COVID-19 Cleaning Behavior Findings Q. What hygiene or cleaning products are you using more now than before the spread of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19?     Total     (N=1,005)     Sept. 2020     (N=1,005)     March 2020 &…
TRAC A C U T E T O X I C I T Y O F A L K Y L B E N Z E N E S U L F O N A T E T O HYALLELA AZTECA: E F F E C T O F MANIPULATION O F S E D I M E N T O R G A N I C C A R B O N Final Report Submitted to: Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Ave. South New York, NY 10016 Report Number B-463 January 18, 1995 J TRAC LABORATORIES. INC. 2787 GULF BREEZE PARKWAY GULF BREEZE. FLOR CA 32561 904-932-2717 FAX 904-932-5058 TRAC Laboratories, Inc. 113 Cedar St P.O. box 215…
Read Press Release Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning? 78% Every year 8% Every other year 5% Every few years 3% Less often than every few years 7% I never spring clean  Q. For which of the following reasons do you not spring clean?  (asked among those who never spring clean)  40% My home doesn’t look dirty 39% I’d…
2019 ACI National Cleaning Survey Stats on Laundry: 77% of People Frequently Read Tag Instructions Before Washing Clothes 52% Tend to Wash Clothes in Cold Water Laundry is America’s favorite cleaning task, according to the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) 2019 National Cleaning Survey. Nearly a quarter of respondents to the survey, conducted by Wakefield Research on behalf of ACI, picked laundry as the
Cleaning is much more than just a common chore. It is a way we show we care for ourselves and one another, not only for our physical health but also our mental health.   Nearly 9 in 10 Americans (87%) feel their best, both mentally and physically, when they have a clean home yet, 21% of Americans find cleaning tasks overwhelming. Creating regular cleaning routines and finding ways to break down responsibilities can…