The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (221)

Co-published by Long-term Effects of Landscape Irrigation Using Household Graywater— Literature Review and Synthesis Wastewater Treatment & Reuse 03-CTS-18CO.qxd 3/1/06 12:21 PM Page 1 (2,1) 03-CTS-18CO LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION USING HOUSEHOLD GRAYWATER – LITERATURE REVIEW AND SYNTHESIS by: Dr. Larry Roesner (PI) Dr. Yaling Qian (Co-PI) Melanie Criswell Dr. Mary Stromberger Dr. Stephen Klein Colorado State University…
Copyright © 2010 American Cleaning Institute 1 Fatty alcohols in the Terrestrial Environment A case study around Luray, VA Stephen M Mudge Prepared for the American Cleaning Institute Copyright © 2010 American Cleaning Institute 2 Abstract Fatty alcohols are naturally produced hydrocarbon present in all living organisms. They are also used in a series of detergent and cosmetic formulations to provide surfactant properties. These…
american cleaning institute® Cleaning with Little Kids What You Need to Know as They Grow Accidents can happen in an instant. In an emergency, call Poison Control at (800) 222-1222. INFANTS Tip: Read and follow product label instructions and keep products securely closed. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tip: Age appropriate chores include sorting and folding clothes, organizing toys and room cleaning. TODDLERS Tip: Store products up and away, in their…
american cleaning institute® Cleaning with Little Kids What You Need to Know as They Grow Accidents can happen in an instant. In an emergency, call Poison Control at (800) 222-1222. INFANTS Tip: Read and follow product label instructions and keep products securely closed. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tip: Age appropriate chores include sorting and folding clothes, organizing toys and room cleaning. TODDLERS Tip: Store products up and away, in their…
st.atus of water euarity and point & Non-point sourcePollution in the Southeastern United States by sidney J. curran, paur J. DeFrahcisco, Andrew c. Reirly, and Nicholas L. Clesceri Nicholas t. Clesceri & AssociatesEnvironmental Engineers and ConsultantsLake Shore Drive, Bolton Landing, Ny IZ}J 4 Prepared for: The Soap & Detergent Association 475 Pank Ar/enue, South New York, Ny LO016 September 3, 1985 CONTENTS EXECUTTVE SUMMARY Page . vii INTRODUCTION A. Background B…
#UnderstandingClean #NationalCleaningWeek 2023 NATIONAL CLEANING WEEK TOOLKIT The fourth Sunday in March kicks off National Cleaning Week, celebrating the beginning of the spring cleaning season. This is a great time to raise awareness about using cleaning products in our homes and communities safely and effectively. The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has declared the theme for this year “Understanding Clean.” Everyone cleans, for many reasons, and has a right to understand what is in…
AGAINST DISEASE The Impact of Hygiene and Cleanliness on Health The Soap and Detergent Association AG AIN ST D ISEA SE T h e Im p a ct o f H ygien e a n d C lea n lin ess o n H ea lth A iello/Larson/Sedlak The Soap and Detergent Association �� © 2006 The Soap and Detergent Association ��� © 2006 The Soap and Detergent Association AGAINST DISEASE The Impact of Hygiene and Cleanliness on Health Allison E. Aiello, PhD, MS, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology…
f UANAG£RS V _ f ^ CtSiGftfaSCOKSULTANTS THE IMPACT OF DISPOSING HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Prepared for THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION New York, New York 10016 26 March 1996 Daniel E. Edwards, Ph.D. Date Project Manager Prepared by ROY F. WESTON, INC. Fate and Effect Laboratory 254 Welsh Pool Road Lionville, Pennsylvania 19341-1345 Work Order Number 05821-005-001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1…
f UANAG£RS V _ f ^ CtSiGftfaSCOKSULTANTS THE IMPACT OF DISPOSING HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Prepared for THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION New York, New York 10016 26 March 1996 Daniel E. Edwards, Ph.D. Date Project Manager Prepared by ROY F. WESTON, INC. Fate and Effect Laboratory 254 Welsh Pool Road Lionville, Pennsylvania 19341-1345 Work Order Number 05821-005-001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1…
StatisticaL Àssessnent of a Limnological Data Set by Robert Clifford, Jr., John W. Wilkinson and Nicholas L. Clesceri Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. ÀBSTRACT In a study of Wisconsin Lakes, to examine the effects upon naterquality of imposition of a ban on detergent phosphorus, the desiqrn protocol employed the concept of test lakes and referencelakes. A pairing was made of each test lake with a reference lake having as many similar characteristics as possible with the test l-ake…