The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1284)

Cleaning Product Supply Chain’s Top Business Event Set for Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 2020 in Orlando Registration is now open for the global cleaning product supply chain’s top business-to-business event: the 2020 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Annual Meeting & Industry Convention. The event takes place January 27-February 1, 2020 at the Grande Lakes Orlando in Orlando, Florida. Eligible companies can find out more information about the…
70% of Americans find that cleaning gives them a sense of accomplishment 60% of Americans are more attracted to their partner when they take the initiative to clean their home Learn More on ACI’s 2024 Cleaning Survey Results During this National Cleaning Week Nearly 9 in 10 Americans (87%) feel their best, both mentally and physically, when they have a clean home, according to survey data released by the American Cleaning
Q. When you first moved to college, how prepared were you for cleaning on your own? 28% said completely prepared 35% said very prepared 28% said somewhat prepared 6% said not very prepared 3% said not at all prepared Q. Which of the following, if any, are preventing you from keeping your dorm or room clean? 53% said lack of motivation 50% said lack of time 19% said roommate(s) get in the way 15% said they don’t have the cleaning supplies they need 9% said…
Ever notice how one sick friend or roommate can quickly affect to the entire dorm? Keeping the dorm room clean probably isn’t the latest topic being tweeted. But keeping dorm rooms clean can help keep students healthy and doing the things that they enjoy like football games, hanging out, partying and finding some time to study! Before your son or daughter goes off to college, equip them with the necessary supplies and understanding about the role that they can play in germ control. Help…
                               “With a severe flu season underway and the threat of a global pandemic, it’s important to avoid confusion among parents and other consumers that would prevent them from using the very disinfectants that are proven to effectively kill germs and therefore protect public health during times like these.” The…
Some clothes are easier to care for than others. Here are some guides for dealing with tricky fabrics, specific color groups, and links to our supporting topic pages. Explore laundry basics and a how-to list, good detergents, and precautions to take around children on laundry day! Dark Clothes Rash Guard…
“The products and chemistries our industry creates are leading us to a clean and vibrant future.”       - Melissa Hockstad, ACI President & CEO Our Future Is Clean is ACI’s campaign highlighting the cleaning products industry’s efforts toward a clean, sustainable world and to promote consumers’ health and well-being.   ACI is proud to lead an industry movement involving the biggest companies in the cleaning…
Q. I have a really dirty carpet that I'm looking to get clean. What carpet cleaning can I try before calling in a professional? The easiest way to have a clean carpet is to keep it from getting dirty, by taking off shoes and limiting bringing food in carpeted areas. Once there is a stain, deal with it quickly, using a carpet cleaner, and always make sure to dab at the stain to lift it out instead of rubbing it further into the fibers. With a carpet that has already gotten…
Q: My kids are into making Valentine's Day cards and decorations. It's fun, but it creates a mess – especially the markers and the craft glue! How do I get these stains out of their clothing? For regular felt-tip markers (those that aren't labeled "permanent"), rinse the stain with cold water until no more color is being removed. Then place the stain face down on some clean paper towels and sponge with rubbing alcohol. Apply the alcohol first to the clean area around…
Q. American Heart Health Month has inspired me to use my treadmill (for exercise, not a clothes rack!) How do I clean it? Keeping your treadmill and other exercise equipment clean is important for maintenance and safety. Fortunately, it’s easy. (Much easier than keeping up with a rigorous exercise routine.) Just follow these steps and you’ll be off and running! Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe away sweat on the deck, handrails and conveyer belt after every use. Once a week, use a damp, clean…