The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1239)

Keep kids safe by storing laundry products carefully, paying attention during use and disposing of products properly. For a healthy and safe laundry routine, follow these guidelines each and every day. Store laundry products carefully for safety. Keep laundry products out of the reach of children and pets, especially liquid laundry packets. Remember to keep products in their original container with the original label intact and immediately put them away in a…
Online Initiative Features Weekly Messages on Cleaning Product Ingredients and Benefits #DiscoverClean Hashtag to Be Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Discover Clean initiative, which will feature updated insights and information on cleaning products across ACI’s social media channels. “In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people are using cleaning…
Learn about the challenges schools and families are facing this school year when it comes to staying safe and healthy—and also cleaning, disinfecting and hand hygiene best practices, with actionable advice for school staff and parents.
In support of ACI’s purpose to advance the health and quality of life of people and protect our planet, we believe it is necessary to strive for a vibrant and sustainable future. To ACI, a vibrant future is one with: Healthy People Cleaning products help people lead healthier lives Flourishing Planet Nature is valued and all Earth’s inhabitants…
Los Recursos en Español Brindan Específicas Mejores Prácticas de Higiene a los Empleados, Cuidadores y Niños de Centros de Cuidado Infantil Descargue el kit de herramientas El American Cleaning Institute (ACI por sus siglas en inglés) lanzó una versión en español de su kit de herramientas C is for Clean: Building Blocks of Healthy Child Care (L de Limpio: Construyendo con Bloques un Cuidado Infantil Saludable), que brinda recomendaciones permanentes y…
ACI makes appeal to Pinterest to help promote safe liquid laundry packet storage: “Safety Over Style” View Pinterest Advertisements Learn More About ACI’s Store Not Décor Efforts The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is urging popular social media platforms to help combat the spread of unsafe cleaning product storage trends that can put families at risk. ACI’s initial appeal is to Pinterest due to the large number of potentially hazardous laundry room home…
Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. By safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, they help us to stay healthy, care for our homes and possessions, and make our surroundings more pleasant. Promoting Wellness Regular cleaning and disinfecting can do a good job of removing allergens and germs,…