Results (1227)
Ingredient labels contain a lot of information. They have a list of ingredients, but they also need room for directions and important safety messages. Smart consumers can get additional information from company websites to find out more about those ingredients, including where they are sourced and the role they play in making that product effective. Learn more about the formulations in your favorite soaps and home cleaning products with these resources…
PB-301 r93
A Reponr To THe
['lsv 31, 1977
Anhur D Litttet\,o.,
Thls report 1s rendered upon the
condition that it 1s not to be
reproduced ln whoLe or Ln part
for adverËlsing purposes wlthout
the speclal perrisslon in wrlting
of Arthur D. LittLe, Inc.
This report was prepared by Arthur D.…
Survey Findings Unveiled at ACI & Good Housekeeping Institute’s 2021 Discover Cleaning Summit
New data from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) reveals 7 out of ten Americans living with at least one other person have experienced disagreements when it comes to cleaning responsibilities. This data underscoring cleaning roles and responsibilities at home was highlighted at the…
July 11, 2013
Honorable John Shimkus Honorable Paul Tonko
Chairman Ranking Member
Environment and the Economy Subcommittee Environment and the Economy Subcommittee
Committee on Energy and Commerce Committee on Energy and Commerce
United States House of Representatives United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20515
RE: Subcommittee Hearing on the Toxic…
More than Half of Americans Reporting an Increase in Cleaning Behaviors are Parents
Findings Support Continued “Cleaning is Caring” Trend to Protect Loved Ones Through Proper Cleaning and Hygiene Practices
Read the Survey Results
New data from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds a majority of parents report they will clean more through this year’s cold and flu season based on what they’ve learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, 16-…
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is highlighting updated information on proper reusable bag use and cleaning as more Americans bring their own bags to the store. This comes at a time when eight states have banned disposable bags and some local jurisdictions are charging a fee for their use, encouraging the use of reusable bags.
A study from the University of Arizona found that of individuals interviewed who used reusable bags, only 3% of…
Global Handwashing Day Oct. 15
93% of Americans Found Handwashing is Important in Preventing the Spread of Illness at Home, American Cleaning Institute Survey Finds
Checkout ACI’s Global Handwashing Day Resources at
Each year on October 15, Global Handwashing Day highlights the importance of handwashing with soap and water, especially during key times throughout the day.
The theme for this year is: Unite for…
Table 9. Antibacterial MIC ranges for all isolates tested for susceptibility to TCC and TCS
User Group TCC (ppm) TCS (ppm)
Non-users 0.0117-0.750 0.120-2.020
TCC-users 0.0234-0.750 0.004-2.020
TCS-users 0.0117-0.750 0.008-2.020
Non-users 0.0469-0.1875 0.510-2.020
TCC-users 0.0029-0.1875 0.120-1.010
TCS-users 0.0469-0.1875 1.010-2.020
Investigation of Antibiotic and Antibacterial…
American Cleaning Institute Responds to New Study Addressing Accidental Exposures to Liquid Laundry Packets
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following response to a new study – published in the journal Pediatrics – that examined calls to poison control centers related to accidental exposures to liquid laundry packets:
"The consensus…
Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathroom Top the List of Spring Cleaning Targets
Product Effectiveness is Most Important Attribute for Spring Cleaners
Statistic Recap Here
Yearly spring cleaning is on the rise in 2022, according to new consumer data released by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey, conducted by Ipsos, found that 78% of Americans spring clean at least once per year, up nearly 10% from just one year ago.