The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (258)

building blocks for industry C o m p o s i t i o n a n d C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f S o m e TYPICAL FATTY ACIDS The approximate composition and value shown are typical of more than 50 different types of acids available to meet the requirements of users. As illustrative examples, they are not intended to describe nor encompass products of individual manufacturers. For complete product information necessary to serve as a basis of purchase, consult your regular source of…
lBß - a.s, I NTERNATIONAL BIO-R ESEARCH Division of Miamiville, Ohio 45147 r Phone (5131 831-31f 4 7I+-l+22-2L July 5 | 19Tl+ CORRCSÏWTY STIJDT O}T A SFAT}TS .0r@ For Fatty Acid Froducersr Council. PT'R?OSE Tlris studv vas cond,ucted. tc evaluate the corrosívit¡' potential of the test naterials in accorCance with the procedure d,egeribed in Êection 1?3.2110 under Title l+9 of the Code of Federal Regulations, (f'ederal PegÍLter. Febru- a;ry L2, 19T3). TES'I }IÂTTRTAT"S !3re secp3-es ?,'er'…
Consumer Product Ingredient Safety C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien t S afety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients 2nd Edition 2nd Edition E xp o su re an d R isk S creen in g M eth o d s fo r C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien ts Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening…
Consumer Product Ingredient Safety C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien t S afety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients 2nd Edition 2nd Edition E xp o su re an d R isk S creen in g M eth o d s fo r C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien ts Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening…
Rising to an Unprecedented Challenge The cleaning products industry’s response to COVID-19 January–August 2020 2 Cleaning Products Industry Impact Report: COVID-19 An Essential Response to Urgent Needs The COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world has, in just a few months, changed enormously the way we live, work and play. It has required a response from governments, healthcare bodies, businesses and all of us that is, quite simply, without precedent. Everyone has had to…
INTRODUCTION This monograph summarizes: 1) critical fate and effects data required for an environmental risk assessment on polycarboxylates; and 2) conclusions drawn from a risk assessment of polycarboxylates in the United States. Although focused on conditions in the U.S., data from other parts of the world that are relevant to a U.S. assessment are included in the monograph. The monograph is written for a technical audience, but not necessarily one familiar with environmental risk…
A Final Report ASSESSING THE I{ATER QUALITY BEI¡[]'IT ûF pOIl.íT SOURCE PHOSPI{ORUS CONTROI, IN THE JAì.íES RI\¡ER BASIN Subrnitted t<¡: The Soap and Derergcnt Association 475 Park Avenue Soutir at 32¡rd Street New York, NY 10C16 Attention: Dr. Keith A. Booman '-::::ì'rj; ,-. 'Technical Director Submi-tted by: l{u-Seng Lung, PhD, PE Assístanr Professor Report No. UVA/532533/CIi85/1.01 January 1985 SCI-¡OOL OF TNG!NEËRING,qND APPL¡ED SC¡Fh¡CE ÐEPARTÌ'ÍENT OF…
Food Handler Antiseptic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use Request for Data and Information Docket No. FDA-2018-N-3458 Submitted by: American Cleaning Institute July 22, 2019 July 22, 2019 Division of Dockets Management (HFA–305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061 Rockville, MD 20852 Re: Food Handler Antiseptic Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use; Request for Data and Information; Docket No. FDA–…
Cleaning Product Supply Chain Experts Discuss Industry Priorities Feb. 2 Panelists Include Representatives from P&amp;G, SC Johnson, Henkel, Milliken, Plastipak 2022 ACI Convention, January 31-February 5 in Orlando, FL Policy and packaging experts from across the cleaning product supply chain will address two key industry priorities – ingredient communication and sustainable packaging – during the ACI Convention Issues Briefing February 2 in Orlando, Florida. The ACI Convention – the…
January 18, 2022
Dr. James Kim to Lead Technical, Regulatory Department Richard Sedlak, the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) Executive Vice President of Technical &amp; International Affairs, is retiring from ACI as of December 31, 2019 after more than 42 years at the association.  As of January 1, 2020, Dr. James Kim, ACI’s Associate Vice President, Science &amp; Regulatory Affairs, will lead the Institute’s technical and regulatory department. “Rich’s vast knowledge, experience and legacy within…
November 12, 2019