The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1151)

3322 | J Appl Microbiol. 2022;133:3322– Received: 20 April 2022 | Revised: 22 July 2022 | Accepted: 23 July 2022 DOI: 10.1111/jam.15739 R E V I E W A R T I C L E Impact of benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride and chloroxylenol on bacterial antimicrobial resistance Jean- Yves Maillard This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in…
D E T E R G E N T ETHANOL EMISSIONS F R O M MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER C O L L E C T I O N AND T R E A T M E N T SYSTEMS Prepared for The Soap and Detergent Association Prepared by CH2M H I L L Emeryville, California September 1991 t Engineers Planners Economists Scientists September 23, 1991 SFO32290.AA Mr. Richard I . Sedlak Research Director The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue New York, New York 10016 Dear Mr. Sedlak: Subject: Ethanol Emissions from…
,'.. " ... \;'; ." ",',r, ,', ~:.- " "".'." ' ~ .. , i', ~' , " AN INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER .. ',;" :' ,'" .,- ...- '.'. ~,'-- CONTAMINATION FROM AN ONSITE SEWAGE ::, i " 1, DISPOSAL SYSTEM (OSDS) AT A SINGLE FAMILY HOME IN FLORIDA " ..'. . , ,-,' , ) . , , · , · '".' ' . Phase 3 Status Report Prepared…
High-Resolution Global Mean-Annual Surface Runoff And River Flow Datasets For Use In Risk Assessments Raghu Vamshi1, Kathleen McDonough2, Kathy Stanton3, Amy Ritter1 1Waterborne Environmental 2Procter & Gamble 3American Cleaning Institute SETAC North America, Toronto November 4th, 2019 Outline 2  Introduction Methodology Processing Results Flow comparison Summary Applications Global River Flow – Introduction 3 Outside the United States, no high-resolution river flow…
Publication Summary: Paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Tenside Surfactants Detergents 58 (2021) 2 pp. 88-96. Biodegradability of Polyvinyl Alcohol Based Film Used for Liquid Detergent Capsules Dominic Byrne, Geert Boeije, Ian Croft, Gerd Huttmann, Gerard Luijkx, Frank Meier, Yash Parulekar and Gerard Stijntjes The unintentional release of microplastic into the aquatic environment (marine as well as freshwater) is of concern for human health and the ecosystem. Although our…
Publication Summary: Paper published in the peer-reviewed journal Tenside Surfactants Detergents 58 (2021) 2 pp. 88-96. Biodegradability of Polyvinyl Alcohol Based Film Used for Liquid Detergent Capsules Dominic Byrne, Geert Boeije, Ian Croft, Gerd Huttmann, Gerard Luijkx, Frank Meier, Yash Parulekar and Gerard Stijntjes The unintentional release of microplastic into the aquatic environment (marine as well as freshwater) is of concern for human health and the ecosystem. Although our…
HUMAN SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF MAJOR SliRFACTANTS (SUPPLEMENT) I .I I MURIEL M. GOYER, AREPORT BY JOANNE H. PERWAK, ANDREW SIVAK, PHILIP S. THAYER ARTHUR D, UTILE, INC. TO THE SOAP AND DETERGENT ASSOCIATION ADL REFERENCE 84048 FEBRUARY 20, 1981 Arthur DLittle Inc This report was prepared by Arthur D. Little, Inc. I for the Soap and Detergent Association, Incorporated. The material in it reflects the best jUdgment of Arthur D. Little, Inc., in the…
Kao Corporation Scientists Honored With ACI Distinguished Paper Award Research Article Recognized as Best 2016 Paper in Journal of Surfactants & Detergents Millions of consumers love the "softness" of their clothing after using liquid fabric softeners. Scientists from the Kao Corporation in Japan have unlocked the mechanism describing how these products work effectively on cloths and yarns, which could pave the way to more effective softening products. Their research was…
May 6, 2019
The iSTREEM® model ( integrates the locations of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with a hydrologic river network, providing a framework to assess environmental risk in a spatial context. The model has been widely applied for ecological risk assessments of down-the-drain (DtD) chemicals in the U.S. To address growing challenges outside the U.S., the model was recently expanded to include Canada and Mexico by integrating country-specific WWTP infrastructure…
Influent Storm Tanks Primary Settlement (all influent samples taken from central feed) Sludge Treatment Secondary Oxidation Final Settlement (Humus) Tanks UV Irradiation Effluent samples at designated sampling point Post 1° samples Post 2° samples Sludge samples Using stable isotopes of carbon (13C) and hydrogen (2H) to determine the contribution and fate of detergent fatty alcohols in the environment S.M. Mudge – Bangor University, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, UNITED KINGDOM P.C. DeLeo…