The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1151)

y y y el asma Las alergias Procedimientos de limpieza para controlar y el asma Las alergias LIMPIOLIMPIO SANO American Cleaning Institute • • 5661_SDA_Spanish-r1 5/28/10 12:19 PM Page 1 la caspa de los animales las cucarachas Procedimientos de limpieza para controlar las alergias y el asma Si usted o su niño tienen alergias o sufren…
Environmental and Human Safety of Major Surfactants Volume 1. Anionic Surfactants Part 4. Alpha Olefin Sulfonates Final Report To: The Soap and Detergent Association 475 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 August 1993 Environmental and Human Safety of Major Surfactants Volume 1. Anionic Surfactants Part 4. Alpha Olefin Sulfonates Final Report To: The Soap and Detergent Associatio n 475 Pari< Avenue South New York, New York 10016 August 1993…
ENVIRONMENTAL and HUMAN SAFETY of MAJOR SURFACTANTS Alcohol Ethoxylates and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates Sylvia S. Talmage Health Sciences Research Oi"sion Oak Ridge Nalion~ Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee (SOA) The Soap and Detergent Association I ) Library orCongres.s Catuloging.ln.Publil:lllion DUlli Talmage. Sylvia S. Environmenlal and human sorely Ilf major surfaclants : ;IlcohoJ clhoxylmes nnd olkylphcDol clho;l;ylotes I a repan [0 [he Soap Mil…
Always use the proper amount of detergent when washing. What's the right amount? Read the label and keep in mind that too much detergent or too little can leave your clothes less clean than using the optimal amount. Follow the fabric care instructions on your clothing. Also, be sure to keep all laundry products up and out of reach of children and adults with dementia. Detergents on the market today have been formulated and tested to be safe and effective when used as…
March 7, 2019
Chief Operating Officer Korie A. Traver is the Chief Operating Officer at American Cleaning Institute (ACI). In her role at ACI, she directs financial operations and manages the Information Technology, Human Resources, Meetings, and Operations departments.  Korie previously served as Chief Financial Officer at ACI. Prior to joining ACI, she was Director of Finance at The Education Trust, Inc. in Washington, D.C., a non-profit organization that advocates for equity in…
March 28, 2019
Senior Director, State Government Affairs Brennan Georgianni is the Senior Director of State Government Affairs at the American Cleaning Institute. He works with government affairs professionals at member companies to develop policies that he promotes in state capitals. His work encompasses managing state lobbyists, evaluating legislation, and testifying in front of legislators in all fifty states. Priority areas of emphasis range from specific chemical management issues to…
April 19, 2021
American Cleaning Institute
The Impact of Disposing Household Cleaning Products in WWTP systems Weston2 Weston3 Weston4 Weston5
Doing the dishes means:  Clearing the table  Scraping the dishes  Loading the dishwasher  Washing/drying (for hand-washed items) Teach children what items:  Get thrown away  Go in the compost bin (consider starting a compost pile if you don’t already have one)  Can — and can’t— go into a garbage disposal, if you have one Getting Kids to Help: Dishes Cleaning up after eating is an important life skill! It can also lead to fun teachable moments in your home. Use this guide…
MRI @ FINAL REPORT Range Finding Study: Analysis of lnterstitial Water and Sediment for Surfactants by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LG/MS) For Mr. Alvaro J. DeGarvalho The Soap and Detergent Association 1500 K Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20005 MRI Project No. 31 0287 October 4,2002 solutions through science and technology MRt @ MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE425 Volker BoulevardKansas City, Missouri 641 10 Telephone (816) 7Sg-7600 Telefax (816) 753-8420 October 4…