The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1210)

A Guide for Healthy Workspaces As a business owner, you are not alone in navigating how to best keep your workspace safe and clean. To help, we’ve created the Clean Means Business toolkit offering guidance, adapted from public health recommendations, to ensure a high level of cleanliness. Reinforce confidence among your teams and customers through effective cleaning and disinfecting best practices…
Freshen Your Winter Wear! Depending on how winter clothes were stored, they can resurface with wrinkles or even a musty smell. Read on for tips on freshening up clothes so you can look your best this winter. Get Rid of That Musty Smell: After taking clothes out of storage, wash them in hot water or take them to the dry cleaner before wearing them. You can also tackle stubborn musty smells by adding white vinegar, borax, or baking soda while washing. Remove Wrinkles: Ironing…
Family life runs more smoothly when there is a shared responsibility for the housework. Whether it's a simple effort like putting dirty clothes in the hamper or a major job like washing the kitchen floor, almost every family member can contribute in some way that fits his/her age and other responsibilities. These guidelines help everyone in the family find a way to pitch in and make doing the housework easier and less of a one-person chore.Practice Prevention Keep clutter to a minimum.…
It may be the holiday season, but it’s also cold and flu season. Keep illnesses from spreading through holidays into the New Year with these tips, for a cleaner and healthier for you and everyone around you. Get a Flu Shot. While flu season starts to peak in November, the heaviest months for flu are December through March. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for the antibodies that provide protection against influenza infection to develop in the body. The Centers for…
PACKETS UP! Campaign is introduced Safety First with Home Made Cleaners Resources, Recording and Additional Webinars Available Online ACI’s first Lunch and Learn Webinar, Advancing Awareness of Accident Prevention in the Home on July 19, reminded parents to keep laundry packets up and out of the reach of children. Attendees learned about shareable tips and messages to help families safely use cleaning…
What is Coronavirus According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which already circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold. COVID-19 has symptoms associated with respiratory illnesses, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. It spreads like other respiratory illnesses as well, primarily through person-to-person contact. Cleaning for Coronavirus…
Q. How likely are you, if at all, to do the following while gathering with friends and family during the holiday season? 89% will frequently wash their hands with soap and water 79% will use hand sanitizer 69% will disinfect frequently touched surfaces 53% will socially distance 53% will use alternative greetings (fist bumping/elbow bumping) 53% will wear a mask Q. If hosting for the holidays, how concerned, if at all, are you about your guests' opinions of your home…