The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1219)

ACI introduces the Class of Clean: Senior Year with New Resources and Tools to Prepare for Life After Graduation Review Survey Findings Here Download the toolkit: Nearly 7 out of 10 college seniors (68%) said they felt no more prepared to clean as seniors as they did when they were freshmen, according to a new survey from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). These findings show that seniors still…
Parents: 20 Seconds Could Save You or Your Kids Weeks in Bed this Cold & Flu Season   Click the image to enlarge We’re already deep into cold and flu season – but it’s never too late to start protecting yourself. Easy step? Keep your hands clean. Consider this: 65% of U.S. parents of children ages 5 and under don’t always wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, according to a new…
If your plastic dish or container can’t hold its shape in hot water or the microwave, then you may need to recycle it. This is true of most containers that are meant for on-time use only, like takeout containers and those that you purchase food products in, such as yogurt containers. Plastic Food Containers If the container is a keeper, make sure it is clean for the next use. Wash Remove any leftover food and rinse in hot water Wipe…
En Español   Child care is essential for millions of working parents and caregivers across the country. The C Is for Clean: Building Blocks of Health Child Care toolkit is designed to serve all members of the child care community, from providers and employees to children and parents/caregivers, echoing public health guidelines for disinfecting, cleaning
Q: This year my resolution is to do a better job keeping my home clean and organized. Things always get so cluttered once the kids go back to school after the holidays. Do you have tips for how to start the year off on the right foot? The New Year is a great time to reset your cleaning routines and put some new organizational systems in place. Here are my top five cleaning resolutions: Make It a Family Project. Assign…
Online Campaign Features Daily Reminders on Proper Cleaning and Hygiene in the Age of COVID-19 #SafeAndCleanAtHome Hashtag Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Safe and Clean at Home initiative, featuring daily cleaning challenges, tips and ideas to help all of us to clean smart while we’re spending so much more time around the…
Martha Chapin The following question was asked of 1,777 adults 18+ (664 men and 1,113 women). The independent consumer research study was completed online by Echo Research February 27-March 3, 2013, on behalf of the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percent.How often, if at all, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning? Every year (72%) – up 10% from 2012 Every…
ACI and Good Housekeeping will be partnering again for Discover Cleaning 2022: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. It will be a virtual event held on October 26 at 1 PM EDT. This year’s summit will take a whole-home approach and examine consumer issues, industry innovations and home design and other trends related to kitchen and bathroom cleaning, laundry challenges and maintaining good indoor air quality. Key discussion…
Q. I’m motivated this year to do a massive spring cleaning but with little kids running around my home, I'm concerned about cleaning product safety. How should I be planning to clean safely?  A. We encourage parents to do spring cleaning in the absence of young children so that you can give it your full attention without distractions. Here are some additional safety tips —  Children are…