Results (1261)
Your teeth are clean. But is your bathroom?
Whether your children are learning how to brush their teeth or water splashed and left spots, how do you keep the mirror clean? It’s wonderful that you’ve convinced your children to brush their teeth. But unfortunately, good oral hygiene often comes with a mess – toothpaste globs and schmears on the counter and mirror. Not to worry. With a little bit of elbow grease and the right…
Online Campaign Features Daily Reminders on Proper Cleaning and Hygiene in the Age of COVID-19
#SafeAndCleanAtHome Hashtag Highlighted on ACI’s Social Media Channels
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched its new Safe and Clean at Home initiative, featuring daily cleaning challenges, tips and ideas to help all of us to clean smart while we’re spending so much more time around the…
COVID-19 Cleaning Behavior Findings
Q. What hygiene or cleaning products are you using more now than before the spread of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19?
Sept. 2020
March 2020 &…
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Together, we can ensure a vibrant future.
Sustainable Practices
From saving water and energy to recycling, ACI has resources on steps everyone can take each day to clean in a sustainable way.
Saving Water…
Read Press Release
Q. How often, if ever, do you or someone in your household engage in spring cleaning?
78% Every year
8% Every other year
5% Every few years
3% Less often than every few years
7% I never spring clean
Q. For which of the following reasons do you not spring clean?
(asked among those who never spring clean)
40% My home doesn’t look dirty
39% I’d…
Whether you’re having a small dinner party or an all-out bash, there’s probably going to be some straightening up and cleaning before guests arrive and definitely some clean up to do afterward.
Pre Party Cleaning
Give your home a thorough cleaning, following our room-by-room cleaning guide. Be sure to keep some paper towels or cloths handy for cleaning up the inevitable spills as they occur.…
While we can’t control when natural disasters will affect us, we can take charge of how prepared we are to handle them. Cleaning supplies are important to have on hand during natural disasters – whether you are staying at home or heading for higher ground. Depending on the emergency, water may be unclean or scarce, germs or bacteria may be rampant, or you may simply need a way to keep clean on the go. Get the list of the …
Ahead of Upcoming Holiday Shopping Season, Research Reflects Americans are Ready to Go Back In-Store, if Proper Cleaning Protocols are In Place
American Cleaning Institute Healthy Returns Program Provides Businesses with Concise Reminders on Cleaning to Keep Customers, Employees Healthy and Safe
Findings from a recent national survey unveils strong consumer confidence in business cleanliness, with two-thirds of Americans (65%) saying…
Q. After seeing the effect of plastic straws on ocean life, I made a point to get a metal straw and have been keeping it in my purse. But how do I keep it clean?
Metal straws, like utensils, can be a great way to reduce the need for single-use plastic. It should be washed after each use, even if you were just drinking water. If you're on the go, you can rinse it with hot water, towel it off, and tuck it back in your purse. Once home, clean…
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At Your Finger-Tips: Cold & Flu Prevention
Activity & Coloring Sheets
Going Beyond Green to be Clean
Keep Germs…