The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1282)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others is to wash our hands. When should you clean your hands? Regular handwashing with soap and running water is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. If soap and water are not available use a hand…
If you have children, there are chores they can do, like cleaning their room, to help pitch in too. Through cleaning, they also learn to be responsible for their things and care for their belongings.
What is Coronavirus According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which already circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold. COVID-19 has symptoms associated with respiratory illnesses, including fever, cough and shortness of breath. It spreads like other respiratory illnesses as well, primarily through person-to-person contact. Cleaning for Coronavirus…
Your teeth are clean. But is your bathroom? Whether your children are learning how to brush their teeth or water splashed and left spots, how do you keep the mirror clean? It’s wonderful that you’ve convinced your children to brush their teeth. But unfortunately, good oral hygiene often comes with a mess – toothpaste globs and schmears on the counter and mirror. Not to worry. With a little bit of elbow grease and the right product, your bathroom can look as good as new. (Until the next…
Most Dreaded Tasks: Cleaning Hard to Reach, Filthy Spots 80% Would Rather Spring Clean than Fill Out Tax Forms! View the Survey Results Checkout American Cleaning Institute’s Spring Cleaning Guide ACI Launches its TikTok Channel Featuring Cleaning Tips and Tricks Spring cleaning is a top priority for more Americans than ever, according to new consumer data released by the American
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Together, we can ensure a vibrant future. Sustainable Practices From saving water and energy to recycling, ACI has resources on steps everyone can take each day to clean in a sustainable way. Saving Water…
More than Half of Americans Reporting an Increase in Cleaning Behaviors are Parents Findings Support Continued “Cleaning is Caring” Trend to Protect Loved Ones Through Proper Cleaning and Hygiene Practices Read the Survey Results New data from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) finds a majority of parents report they will clean more through this year’s cold and flu season based on what they’ve learned from the COVID-19…
Items Routine Care Special Instructions Appliances  Accessories  Trim Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner. Rinse with clean water and dry with a clean, soft cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleanser that may scratch the plastic. Bathtubs Shower Stalls Sinks Wall Tile Use a tub/tile/sink cleaner; nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner; or a paste of baking soda and water. Apply the…
ACI and Good Housekeeping’s Third Annual Cleaning Summit Takes Place October 26 Register for This Free, Virtual Event at: The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) and Good Housekeeping are coming together again for the 2022 Discover Cleaning Summit: The Clean, Healthy & Happy Home. Registration is now open for the free, virtual event, which will be held on October 26 at 1 PM EDT.…
Summer is a time when everyone just wants to kick back and relax. While taking care of soil and grime "in the moment" may seem a bit contrary to how you want to approach summer, in fact, fast attention to the grime gremlins can be a real time-saver. If you’re headed to the beach or the pool this summer, here are some tips for keeping clean and ready to relax:  Beach Gear Packing When it’s time to hit the beach, be sure to…