Results (1304)
Q: Pie is always a favorite dessert in our house. So when we found out that January 23rd is National Pie Day, we thought it was a great excuse for a dessert party! We'd like to make it a fun evening, maybe with checked tablecloths and napkins. But we realize that inviting a bunch of people over to eat pie is also an invitation to stains. How do we get rid of them (the stains, not the guests!)?
A: Blueberry, cherry, boysenberry, strawberry, apple, rhubarb … no matter what your…
Get tips for cleaning your face mask or cloth face covering correctly, as well as when to replace it with a new one.
If you’re cleaning and still seeing cloudy spots on your glassware, you probably have hard water. As with most stains, the longer it sits, the more difficult it is to remove. There are cleaning products that can help remove the mineral buildup from surfaces or run dishes through the dishwasher again, this time using a rinsing agent. It can also help to increase the amount of detergent used a bit. On surfaces, look for a cleaning product…
Clean water is a critical element of cleaning.
The vast majority of water on Earth’s surface, over 96%, is saline water in the oceans (USGS). Which means, even though water is plentiful there are limited resources of fresh water to relay on. Beyond cleaning, we also need water to drink and to grow food. The average household may use 88,000 gallons of water per year (REU2016). Within your home, faucets and clothes washers…
Your home is your castle. We can help you make it sparkle! Get tips for a clean home and clean living, starting with the cleaning basics and moving on to cleaning solutions for surfaces, dishes, laundry and hands.
Home Cleaning Basics
What are the most important steps to keeping a home clean and healthy? This guide…
One of the main uses for cleaning products is washing clothes and dishes. Each load of clothes and dishes requires water, and energy is often used to heat that water. While one load of laundry or dishes may seem like a small task, when you consider all the times we run the washing machine or dishwasher in a week and multiply that by all the households doing the same thing, it adds up!
The good news is that our washing machines and dishwashers…