The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1251)

ACI introduces the Class of Clean: Senior Year with New Resources and Tools to Prepare for Life After Graduation Review Survey Findings Here Download the toolkit: Nearly 7 out of 10 college seniors (68%) said they felt no more prepared to clean as seniors as they did when they were freshmen, according to a new survey from the American Cleaning Institute (ACI). These findings show that seniors still have to pass cleaning…
Keep kids safe by storing laundry products carefully, paying attention during use and disposing of products properly. For a healthy and safe laundry routine, follow these guidelines each and every day. Store laundry products carefully for safety. Keep laundry products out of the reach of children and pets, especially liquid laundry packets. Remember to keep products in their original container with the original label intact and immediately put them away in a secure location after…
If you take public transportation, this is a place where germs can spread quickly, especially during cold and flu season. Washing your hands before and after your commute can help. If you bike to work, be sure to wash any grease off your hands when you get to work. If you’ve gotten grease on your clothes, take care of the stain until you have a chance to go home and do laundry (always following the fabric care…
Q: This holiday season, I’ll be hosting several overnight guests from out of town. Do you have any tips for getting my home and guest room ready? Having guests for the holidays is a great excuse to spruce up your home. Focus first on the bedrooms, bathrooms, and other shared spaces. Here are my top ten tips for preparing your home for guests. Put mats and throw rugs in all…
One of the most important things to remember when dusting is to spray the cleaner onto a cloth or sponge first instead of spraying the furniture directly so that dust doesn’t get airborne. Wipes and other non-spray products also are available. When you dust, start from the highest points in the room and work your way down, so that when the dust falls as you clean, you don’t have to re-dust. Get more dusting tips.
We have tips for getting those daily chores done without heating up your home and adding stress to your air conditioner (and wallet). First rule of thumb: Do your chores when it is cooler outside – before breakfast or after dinner. Whether you're headed to the beach or the backyard, you'll be ready for summer with these tips: Great Outdoors: Picnics and Camping At…
It only takes a second – one distraction, one step into the other room – for an accident to happen, for a child, elder person with dementia or a family pet to get a hold of something not meant for them. The American Cleaning Institute reminds parents and caregivers to keep all cleaning products up and out of reach. Children You’re changing diapers,…
Most Dreaded Tasks: Cleaning Hard to Reach, Filthy Spots 80% Would Rather Spring Clean than Fill Out Tax Forms! View the Survey Results Checkout American Cleaning Institute’s Spring Cleaning Guide ACI Launches its TikTok Channel Featuring Cleaning Tips and Tricks Spring cleaning is a top priority for more Americans than ever, according to new consumer data released by the American